VL-IV Who was saved?

Michael Bailey michael.lee.bailey at gmail.com
Sun Dec 21 23:08:27 CST 2008

bandwraith wrote:
> "The question is stupid because
> it's obvious."
> --------------------------------------------------------
> Which is, I guess, what you said in the first place,
> exceot option three- the cynical one, I think, is not
> where he's at.

If there's anything I'm learning from perusing the VLVL2 from 2003,
it's that nothing can be assumed to be obvious, that speculation is
possible on all points
(cf jbor (just don't sue me this time and I won't pick on you anymore
Rob, but it's done with love...
"> [Terrance] There is no evidence in the text that RC went AWOL, deserted his
> platoon, changed his name because he betrayed anyone or anything. None.
No, but they are all possibilities worth considering. .")

Looking forward to a good glass in the bishop's hostel and decoding
more of Vineland...
Best I can do tonight is coffee laced with Life Extension Foundation
vitamin powder, but even that is helping a bit.

2 points -
it IS obvious, and yet...as Hector mentioned, who WAS saved?  Love
might be like a life-vest, but it has to be in stock, in working
order, tossed, caught, deployed...

also, Zoyd-then is present in the passage addressing Frenesi and
trying as he speaks to mentally save a picture that Zoyd-now, also
present, is trying to recapture and refresh  (no wedding photographer
at the hippie wedding?) - but the point that I'm backing away from is
receding further as I try to put it in words, fracturing into
a) nature of memory
b) the way that life overruns the boundaries of the formalities - it's
their wedding, but the moment dripping with emotion isn't the vows,
it's this other question
c) or maybe it's just him and people like him whose (messy) lives slop
over the borders of lawfulness?
d) or the reason he selects this memory is in response to Hector's
question (like a development in a well made novel)

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