Michael Bailey michael.lee.bailey at
Sat Jan 26 08:28:47 CST 2008

711 8 "the British Secret Service"
so I guess that's a slightly different contingent.  While
Theign is in the spy business, he does it for the Navy.

But the upshot is that Cyprian would have lost the
bet to Ratty: he wasn't able to seduce Theign to
the point of taking control.
Theign has the reins...

oh, and I just thought of something.
On page 707, where Theign is "tending to
various abrasions" - who's to say they are
Theign's own abrasions.
Much more characteristic for him to be
iodizing, balming or bandaging Cyprian, come to think of it.

"...there are not only landmarks, but also anti-landmarks - for every
beacon, an episode of intentional blindness." (Professor Svegli, p248)

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