p. 707

Mark Kohut markekohut at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 30 09:52:52 CST 2008

Misc. reflections:

707.3-4"some sort of masking device that mimics open sky" 

This leads me, given this spying leading to war section,
that this is a magnificent trope for the paranoia of the Cold War,---
notice it is the Russians who 'have' this device.

for the pre-emptive judgment so often behind war.........

How could Theign et. al. ever KNOW for sure that "they're up there"?
(Of course, with accurate spying "intelligence" it could be known)

BUT, we can always say that they are up there so fear and some action must
be dealt with.....................................................!!

A-and, I will only write here, spolier alert-allusion (??) for those who have finsihed the book. Enuff said.

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