Help please

Mark Kohut markekohut at
Sun Mar 23 20:10:15 CDT 2008

An enigma. The ordinary way of analyzing it: Make a model, say a
flashlight, an orange and a toothpick mooring line with a raisin
balloon at the top. As the orange rotates toward the east and the
flashlight appears to set in the west, what gets dark first? The base
of the toothpick, the shadow progressing upward. But the text says the
raisin does, the shadow arc moving downward.

It's very curious that immediately following this apparently
topsy-turvy paragraph Miles says "As above, so below." Significant?

  I have read this since it was first posted on the wiki more than once....I couldn't visualize it
  ...figured I'd go away and try now............
  I still can't visulaize how the model works.......(I must have a blind spot over the arc of my eyelids...)
  anyone, anyone?

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