March 2008 Archives by thread
Starting: Sat Mar 1 00:33:24 CST 2008
Ending: Mon Mar 31 22:37:25 CDT 2008
Messages: 713
- Das kontrafaktische, fabulatorische Preisausschreiben zu Thomas Pynchons »Gegen den Tag«
- NP Jonathan Littell - Les Bienveillantes (2006)
Bryan Snyder
- ATDTDA 776-778
Monte Davis
- ATD Misc. terms
Michael Bailey
- Chicago World´s Fair 1893
Werner Presber
- Atdtda25: It does make a difference, 715-720
Paul Nightingale
- ATDTDA 762-763
Michael Bailey
- Science in AtD
Monte Davis
- post from the past
Michael Bailey
- (Np?) Walter Savage Landor
Michael Bailey
- Atdtda25: Bickering even when silent, 720-721
Paul Nightingale
- Fourth 100 pages of Pynchon's Against the Day
Dave Monroe
- The Digger Archives
Werner Presber
- Gilbert Keith Chesterson
grladams at
- ATDTDA: 749/750 "The Compassionate"
robinlandseadel at
- The Charms of Wikipedia
Dave Monroe
- FW: FotP: Wikileaks
- Hexapus
- Five Things Thomas Pynchon Will Never Say
Dave Monroe
- test
- ATDTDA Hosting Reminders ...
Tim Strzechowski
- No subject
Mark Kohut
- did anybody know this? funny
Riot Riot
- Spasibo, Ya Sam
kelber at
- The Invention of Everything Else
Ya Sam
- Those M&D words: knaahs
Ya Sam
- NP; looks like the Dem Primary is kinda like Iceland Sparring.....
Mark Kohut
- Atdtda25: Petite mort, 721-722
Paul Nightingale
- Atdtda25: Still in the picture, 722-723
Paul Nightingale
- belated remarks on p. 751 ff
Mark Kohut
- NP: Learning, Arts, and the Brain
- Gegen den Tag enquiry
Ya Sam
- NP: Stephen Baxter
kelber at
- NP - Texas Delegates Totals Update
David Morris
- "or we wouldn't need light"
Mark Kohut
- "Steal This Book" not on the List
David Morris
- My response to Thomas Eckhardt
grladams at
- "post-human" - Word of the Day from the OED
Dave Monroe
- The man who ruined the novel
Dave Monroe
kelber at
- came to me sandwiching Against the Day on quaternions
Mark Kohut
- Steal This Book not on the List
grladams at
- R.I.P. Alain Robbe-Grillet (Pynchon reference)
David Morris
- The Idea of Nature in Disney Animation
Dave Monroe
- If we take a Spring Break from AtD
Mark Kohut
- "Ich mag technischen Schnickschnack"
Dave Monroe
- Nazi NK-101 Minenraumer rolling mine exploder
David Morris
- I Was a Slave Scientist in Russia
David Morris
- please withdraw Who would TRP vote for responses wanted
Mark Kohut
- Hitler's lost fleet
Werner Presber
- (NP) FWIW, this did sound a bit better...
Michael Bailey
- (NP) RIP Buddy Miles
Michael Bailey
- Quote of the Day
Dave Monroe
- C of L49...trot thru, redux
Mark Kohut
- AtDtDA(28): A Heavenwide Blast of Light
Dave Monroe
- AtDtDA(28): The Unthinkable Possibility
Dave Monroe
- Kirsch
Ande Grahn
- FW: re: Kirsch
robinlandseadel at
- obliquely relevant right now to the section we are reading
Mark Kohut
- Fwd: Prophet's Gate
Mark Kohut
- Inspired by "Against the Day'---almost a real poem
Mark Kohut
- Everything You Know is Wrong
robinlandseadel at
- help -- streamed media can't find in archives
grladams at
- 779 ff--783
Mark Kohut
- News headline that popped up...reminds me of part of AtD...
Mark Kohut
- March 9, 1940
grladams at
- AtDtDA(28): God Didn't Do This?
Dave Monroe
- AtDtDA(28): They Gathered in the Wardroom and Worried Together
Dave Monroe
- from a Boston Globe piece on Carla Bozulich....
Mark Kohut
- Mindless Pleasures/The Idea of Nature in Disney Animation
robinlandseadel at
- worse than Tungaska?
Mark Kohut
- AtDtDA(28): Meantime, in Another Part of the Taiga ...
Dave Monroe
- NP - AF Monster (for Glenn)
David Morris
- Fwd: Re: AtDtDA(28): God Didn't Do This?...What the Thunder Said...Eliot..also section V.!
Mark Kohut
- AtDtDA(28): A Presence Come to Earth
Dave Monroe
- Pursuing Dave M's link and lead re Chirico below
Mark Kohut
- Re Laura's question: more....Romanticism of Blake invoked "infinity in the palm"
Mark Kohut
- ATDTDA 767-769
grladams at
- Atdtda26: What happened to we, 724-725
Paul Nightingale
- On Being Certain
robinlandseadel at
- JOMG Pynchon Gal
- Desert of the Tartars
- Our New Deathkingdom
Dave Monroe
- The man whose birthday-wish was a German edition of Gravity's Rainbow
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- Virtual child passes mental milestone
David Morris
- AtDtDA(28) ...
Dave Monroe
- On Being Certain/In Two Places At Once
robinlandseadel at
- On Being Certain/In Two Places At Once
Mark Kohut
- On Being Certain/In Two Places At Once
robinlandseadel at
- On Being Certain/In Two Places At Once
grladams at
- Kit's Dream...readings on myth...connections?...
Mark Kohut
- This Video Works, A Journey into Be Kind, Rewind of Pynchon
- This Video Works, A Journey into Be Kind, Rewind of Pynchon
- This Video Works, A Journey into Be Kind, Rewind of Pynchon
Daniel Julius
- This Video Works, A Journey into Be Kind, Rewind of Pynchon
David Morris
- This Video Works, A Journey into Be Kind, Rewind of Pynchon
Mark Kohut
- This Video Works, A Journey into Be Kind, Rewind of Pynchon
- This Video Works, A Journey into Be Kind, Rewind of Pynchon
David Morris
- This Video Works, A Journey into Be Kind, Rewind of Pynchon
- This Video Works, A Journey into Be Kind, Rewind of Pynchon
Mark Kohut
- This Video Works, A Journey into Be Kind, Rewind of Pynchon
Daniel Julius
- This Video Works, A Journey into Be Kind, Rewind of Pynchon
- On Being Certain/In Two Places At Once
robinlandseadel at
- AtDTDA (27) 766: The Way to Shambhala
robinlandseadel at
- AtDTDA:27/28 Nechung - The State Oracle of Tibet
robinlandseadel at
- Tangential TRP: From Graves' The White Goddess
Mark Kohut
- p. 770
Mark Kohut
- Clifford Irving
Roman Kudryashov
- Dead on Arrival: The Fate of Nature in the Scientific Revolution
robinlandseadel at
- AtDDtA: Heinrich Himmler's Shamballah/: "Endstufe"
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- Yakov Blumkin
Ya Sam
- NP: freeware: chaos
Glenn Scheper
- ATDTDA 774 Hassan gone: Got correlations.
Glenn Scheper
- Atdtda26: Predators of one kind or another, 725-728
Paul Nightingale
- NP: Opening the book (Rev)
Glenn Scheper
- ELIZA orphaned
Dave Monroe
- and listen to the Muzak (col49)
Werner Presber
- Be Kind Rewind Trailer Remake - Gondry Version
David Morris
- Meanwhile , back on the Tiaga
robinlandseadel at
- (np) somebody addressed the dust clouds
Michael Bailey
- Coffee and cigarettes and Tesla
Werner Presber
- Atdtda26: Lovely to see you, 728-730
Paul Nightingale
- Reading Tips for ATD
Ya Sam
- Misc. AtD...Or, how great books always speak of the world we live in
Mark Kohut
- AtDtDA(28): For a While after the Event ...
Dave Monroe
- Astronauts plug 11-foot arms into massive robot 'Dextre' at space station
Dave Monroe
- Happy St. Urho's Day!
Dave Monroe
- AtDtDA(28): A Figure Walking through the Aftermath
Dave Monroe
- Dalai Lama: China causing 'cultural genocide'
Dave Monroe
- Atdtda26: Mistaking confusion for depth, 730-731
Paul Nightingale
- More W.A.S.T.E.
robinlandseadel at
- Bear Stearns
robinlandseadel at
- ATDTDA 751 - Kit looking left and right on train
Glenn Scheper
- Dogs of War (1923)
Dave Monroe
- Our boy Pynchon
- The Multiverse
Ya Sam
- Could Kit serving on Stupendica model Max Heindel?
Glenn Scheper
- On that which is (essentially) absent.
Glenn Scheper
- Quick read: Er Informs DC, no doubt P somehow.
Glenn Scheper
- Bit o' Yoga
Glenn Scheper
- Partial Faiths
Dave Monroe
- Where Rivers and Mountains Sing
Dave Monroe
- Pynchon's Letter
Dave Monroe
- AtDtDA(28): Ssagan
Dave Monroe
- AtDtDA(28): Borbanngadyr
Dave Monroe
- Fwd: Arthur C. Clarke, Writer, Dies at 90
Mark Kohut
- Arthur C. Clarke, requiescat in pace ...
Dave Monroe
- AtDtDA(28): All the Signs are Here
Dave Monroe
- Pynchon in Central Asia
Dave Monroe
- AtDtDA(28): A Presence Overhead
Dave Monroe
- Modern Language Notes
- R.I.P. Arthur C. Clarke
kelber at
- Tribute Bands & plagiarists
paulandbirte at
- Atdtda26: Which leads an observer, 732-736
Paul Nightingale
- V1-Raketenschleuder wird nachgebaut
Werner Presber
- A friend of mine worked with Arthur Clarke...he sent me this
Mark Kohut
- Last odyssey for sci-fi guru Arthur C. Clarke
Dave Monroe
- RIP Hugo Claus
- see Pynchon on how the realm of the counterfactual must be based in reality
Mark Kohut
- ATD: Rinpungpa harvest.
Glenn Scheper
- AtDtDA(28): Brodyagi
Dave Monroe
- p. mention
David Gentle
- the Chester Concession
grladams at
- Atdtda26: Let them have what they can carry away, 736-739
Paul Nightingale
- the Chester Concession-- tiny link
grladams at
- NP: moon symbol
Glenn Scheper
- 10 Most Historically Inaccurate Films
Dave Monroe
- Thomas Pynchon Wiki
Dave Monroe
- AtDtDA(28): A Small Exploring Party
Dave Monroe
- AtDtDA(28): Cities, Unmapped, Sacramental Places
Dave Monroe
- AtDtDA(28): Cities, Unmapped, Sacramental Places
Mark Kohut
- AtDtDA(28): Cities, Unmapped, Sacramental Places
Michael Bailey
- AtDtDA(28): Cities, Unmapped, Sacramental Places
Mark Kohut
- AtDtDA(28): Cities, Unmapped, Sacramental Places
Dave Monroe
- AtDtDA(28): Cities, Unmapped, Sacramental Places
Dave Monroe
- AtDtDA(28): Cities, Unmapped, Sacramental Places
robinlandseadel at
- Variations on the Norfolk theme
paulandbirte at
- namelessness
Mark Kohut
- Springer's Progress
- AtDtDA(28): The Goal of this Long Pilgrimage
Dave Monroe
- Out of Old Books.(The Tunguska Meteoric Event)
Dave Monroe
- AtDtDA(28): Invisible Functionaries
Dave Monroe
- NP: The Newly Crowded King of Meta
robinlandseadel at
- Misc. p. 788 brodyagi
Mark Kohut
- Fwd: AtDtDA(28): The Goal of this Long Pilgrimage.....Some speculating on this chapter
Mark Kohut
- NP: Libby Disbarred
robinlandseadel at
- NP: America's Weirdest Home Videos
robinlandseadel at
- Easter Yeggs
robinlandseadel at
- Been Down So Long, Looks Like Up to Me ...
Dave Monroe
- AtDtDA(28): Having Journeyed Eastward ...
Dave Monroe
- AtDtDA(28): In the Pale Blue Aftermath
Dave Monroe
- Misc. NP (but AtD thematic, sorta)
Mark Kohut
- AtDtDA(28): The Terrible Rumors
Dave Monroe
- AtDtDA(28): A Sky-Rendezvous
Dave Monroe
- AtDtDA(28): Conversation in Clear
Dave Monroe
- Help please
Mark Kohut
- As above, so below
Mark Kohut
- Fwd: As above, so below
Mark Kohut
- "a hatband of Siberian tiger skin" [p. 789]
Dave Monroe
- As above, so below?. Imagine
Mark Kohut
- NP: Beanyland
robinlandseadel at
- Atdtda29: Overview, 806-836 #1
Paul Nightingale
- Atdtda29: Overview, 806-836 #2
Paul Nightingale
- Atdtda29: Overview, 806-836 #3
Paul Nightingale
- ATDTDA Host List Re-Scheduling and Reminder
Tim Strzechowski
- Notes (and rebuttals) to A Gravity's Rainbow Companion
Dave Monroe
- A Companion's Companion
Dave Monroe
- AtDtDA(28): Slowly as God's Justice
Dave Monroe
- AtDtDA(28): Others Were Less Restrained
Dave Monroe
- Exploitation of the Shambhala Legend for Control of Mongolia
- Fwd: Re: Help please (try #3)
Mark Kohut
- Atdtda29: Bureaucrats at play, 806-814
Paul Nightingale
- Pynchons--THE TREE!!
grladams at
- speculation(s)
Mark Kohut
- np jefremow
- Misc. on AtD, Pynchon's oeuvre, etc.
Mark Kohut
- AtDtDA(28): A Circassian Slave in Old Araby
Dave Monroe
- Pynchon music/party time
Tony Antoniadis
- Atdtda29: The sport of the rabble, 807-808
Paul Nightingale
- Atdtda29: You really must come to Trieste, 808-812
Paul Nightingale
- We were never meant to read
David Morris
- Harry's Library of Distinction
Dave Monroe
- Article on Pynchon wiki
- Shambala etc.
Glenn Scheper
- phonautograph........(right out of Pynchon's world)
Mark Kohut
- (Non-AtD, mildly GR-related) "that's one reflective-ass mirror..."
Michael Bailey
- Sir Arthur C. Clarke: 90th Birthday Reflections
Dave Monroe
- Vintage Science
Dave Monroe
- Nabokov + Trilling on Lolita
Dave Monroe
- (very) belated ob/thought on recently completed Tungaska Shambala section
Mark Kohut
- Fwd: Muslim chaplain chides Obama as sloppy'
Mark Kohut
- Fwd: another meaning to that glass eye in V.....
Mark Kohut
- [Fwd: eGad: No WG in St. Louis]
Paul Mackin
- Fw: Pynchon on radio next Saturday?...
kelber at
- Charles Hollander, "Pynchon's Juvenilia and Against the Day"
Dave Monroe
- Reading Thomas Pynchon's latest novel Against the Day
Dave Monroe
- VLVL2 (15): Tex Wiener
Dave Monroe
- Atdtda29: Returning is being, but, 814-819
Paul Nightingale
- Atdtda29: Itching to be filled in, 808-819
Paul Nightingale
- Fwd: more on light, non-fictional, refracted and Sparred (sorta)
Mark Kohut
- Atdtda29: Presents succeed, 821
Paul Nightingale
- Atdtda29: Eridanus, actually, 823-825
Paul Nightingale
- Misc. related to AtD, or Pynchon at one or two degrees, maybe?
Mark Kohut
- AtD: Nazi Himalaya radio, secret cave systems, Elektrotheologie & the letters of Nikola Tesla
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- AtD Misc...The macedonian question contnues in a spirited Wikipedia discussion
Mark Kohut
- Pynchon Character Names
Paul Di Filippo
- Sardoodledum
David Morris
- Atdtda29: Knowing one's place, 826-831
Paul Nightingale
Last message date:
Mon Mar 31 22:37:25 CDT 2008
Archived on: Tue Feb 20 18:58:32 CST 2018
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