Our boy Pynchon

Dave Monroe against.the.dave at gmail.com
Tue Mar 18 09:37:09 CDT 2008

On 3/18/08, nbryant2 <nbryant2 at mail.rochester.edu> wrote:

> This might be a stupid question, but why has our oh so faithful author remained
> anonymous in the picture category.  How does this add to his method ...

A couple/three guesses, at least.  1.  So he won't be recogized on the
street et al.; b. it's not entirely not in keeping with what seems to
be a certain ... problematization of photography (representation in
general) of his (see., e.g., Gravity's Rainbow); and iii. he may still
be a pretty goofy lookin' guy, who knows?  I know I don't allow anyone
to take my picture, that's for sure ...

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