AtDtDA(28) ...

Michael Bailey michael.lee.bailey at
Sun Mar 23 09:42:38 CDT 2008

what's a week among friends?
it's kinda like the intercalary days in M&D,
inhabited by odd creatures...

anyhoo, good job, nice references, yeoman's work

people were flashing on Topor's resemblance to the word
torpor - actually what was running through what I laughingly
call my mind was "Topol" toothpaste...

On 3/23/08, Dave Monroe <against.the.dave at> wrote:
> Okay, gonna try to cram in an entire chapter today.  But whoever's up
>  next, feel free to start whenever you're, well, free to start.  It's
>  hardly as if we can't/don't have multiple conversations going on here
>  at any given time, over, under, sideways, down.  Think, cocktail
>  party, not lecture hall ...
>  Again, pardon the inconvenience, my dates were off by a week.  I'm
>  surprised no one said anything, but, then again, it was my
>  responsibility to Know, so ...

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