Atdtda29: Returning is being, but, 814-819

Mark Kohut markekohut at
Sun Mar 30 15:15:11 CDT 2008

Part of what continues to go one here, yes?, is Pynchon exploring real-(enough) male-female relations?....with some tenderness, as Monte has proven..........and in greater variety----those greater "ranges" he announced in 'Light
  Over The Ranges'.................
  As has been noted by Laura (if I remember?) and others......most presented "relationships"
  in Pynchon's work are presented from the male point-of-view (and often satirized, of course),
  but Yashmeen is a different kind of woman in Pynchon, in general, yes?
  Answers by tomorrow, please. (joke)

Paul Nightingale <isread at> wrote:
  [814.39-815.3] The military band did not make things easier. Having detected
a larger than usual turnout of British travellers, and waiting with some
infernal clairvoyance until Cyprian thought he had a grip on himself, just
as he turned to bid Yashmeen a breezy arrivederci, they began to play an
arrangement for brass of "Nimrod"--what else?--from Elgar's Enigma

Deleuze on difference/repetition:

Repetition is truly that which disguises itself in constituting itself, that
which constitutes itself only by disguising itself. It is not underneath the
masks, but is formed from one mask to another, as though from one
distinctive point to another, from one privileged instant to another, with
and within the variations. The masks do not hide anything except other
masks. There is no first term which is repeated.

From: Gilles Deleuze, Difference and Repetition, Athlone Press, 1994, 17.

Cyprian's final appearance in this chapter, soon to be replaced by both
Cyprienne ("before long they were close friends", 815) and Vlado ("she must
be clear with herself, in no way was he a substitute for Cyprian", 817).

And then ...

Eternal return cannot mean the return of the Identical because it
presupposes a world (that of the will to power) in which all previous
identities have been abolished and dissolved. Returning is being, but only
the being of becoming. The eternal return does not bring back 'the same',
but returning constitutes the only Same of that which becomes. Returning is
the becoming-identical of becoming itself.

From: Difference and Repetition, 41.

Hence the difference of opinion on "the big mystery" (815), Russian or
Scottish folk songs.

Cf. Vlado's eternal optimism ...

[819.10-12] "You know the play by Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice? Very
popular with us, of course from the Uskok point of view, we keep hoping till
the end for Antonio to come to grief."

Note that "we keep hoping".

And then polysemy, from ...

[807.13] Yashmeen arrived one morning at the shop in the Mariahilfe Strasse

to ...

[808.20] "Theign making trouble at your shop as well ..."

to ...

[811.21] And as for any assistance from Theign's shop ...

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