a novel interpretation from the pynchonwiki

Michael Bailey michael.lee.bailey at gmail.com
Mon May 26 19:24:57 CDT 2008

"the nature of the skyrocket's ascent"
Chumps of Choice blog suggests that this refers to Gravity's Rainbow.

about the trajectories of your own lives
Miles has divined that the Chums have adventures (the display) but
also intervals when their movement is unsensed from outside: between
the end of one of their novels and the beginning of the next one.

"Think, bloviators, think!"
To bloviate means to speak or write at length in a pompous or boastful
manner. CoC blog suggests that this, coupled with the verbose allusion
to Gravity's Rainbow above, is Pynchon's message to jargony
commentators of his work, presumably in academia.

Presumably, us as well


this was about the puzzling passage in the South Seas on the 4th of July.
Several neat ideas in the commentary.
Still not totally satisfied they captured it but its miles beyond what I'd
been able to make of it.

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