John McTaggart Ellis McTaggart

Mark Kohut markekohut at
Tue May 27 06:39:36 CDT 2008
  "McTaggart believed that the world was made of nothing but souls, each connected to others through love."
  (Although later than his early influence on "Bertie "Mad Dog" Russell, he tried to drive him out of Cambridge for his pacifism. After Russell became a non-Hegelian)
  I have come to think he is more a Pynchon positive in AtD, (thanks to Laura) outlier, a believer outside the narrownesses (of conventional thinking about time), a thinker of the 'excluded middle', so to speak.
  Augustine said something like We all understand Time until we start to think about it. Here's
  the mental difficulty, which experiment we all can try: Against What does our 'common sensical' notion/feeling that Time is one interval (however diced) after another after another, etc. Against What does Time move? (Doesn't there have to be something stationary to measure delta T against?) Can be crazy-making and McTaggart had, perhaps, the most unique-----I know, "unique" cannot be modified----answer to the question.

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