Let's think about Byron the Bulb

Michael Bailey michael.lee.bailey at gmail.com
Sun May 11 17:12:49 CDT 2008

 Ian Livingston wrote:

> I confess I have not read Calvin and thus am not qualified to comment on his
> philosophy, but this thread has raised my curiosity.  What is Calvin's
> actual teaching on preterition v. election?  (That omnipresent v. again....)

oddie that I am, I've always had the urge to do a little reading
in Calvin.  Legally trained, he issued prolific theology from what I picture
as a mountain fastness in Switzerland, tracts which were somehow
appealing to Scots,
in between burning Unitarians...well, there was only the one...

anyway, I'll report back in a few days if I can find anything justifying
my calumnies...

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