Shut The Hell Up

Michael Bailey michael.lee.bailey at
Thu May 15 16:12:31 CDT 2008

...reminds me of a Ken Kesey article in a Whole Earth Catalog that I
carried around back in 1970 (to be cool) where he said he was giving
up golf till Huey was freed...

what the hell ever happened to Huey anyway?

(looked him up, he was freed on appeal, retried and found innocent of the
murder of Office Frey, accused of another murder, fled to Cuba,
came back, was acquitted, embezzled Panther money in the 80s (who knew
they were even still around then?), and was murdered in 1989...whew...)

but what Kesey's point was, was that golf was a mindset incompatible
with revolution...or something...striding around on immaculate lawns...

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