Shut The Hell Up

kelber at kelber at
Thu May 15 16:33:17 CDT 2008

Spike Lee did a documentary film of the one-man show about HPN with archival footage mixed in.  Only caught part of it, but it looked interesting.


-----Original Message-----
>From: Michael Bailey <michael.lee.bailey at>

>...reminds me of a Ken Kesey article in a Whole Earth Catalog that I
>carried around back in 1970 (to be cool) where he said he was giving
>up golf till Huey was freed...
>what the hell ever happened to Huey anyway?
>(looked him up, he was freed on appeal, retried and found innocent of the
>murder of Office Frey, accused of another murder, fled to Cuba,
>came back, was acquitted, embezzled Panther money in the 80s (who knew
>they were even still around then?), and was murdered in 1989...whew...)
>but what Kesey's point was, was that golf was a mindset incompatible
>with revolution...or something...striding around on immaculate lawns...

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