ATDTDA (33) - p. 921-2 - anarchism

Mark Kohut markekohut at
Tue May 20 21:46:41 CDT 2008

I, as I;ve stated, think Pychon's sympathies stop short of full..............
  I think Ewball wanting a Krupp gun condemns him with a constant Pynchon trope.
  A--and, i think I think that Ewball talking of "rules" of anarchism is TRP (as Weber) showing
  the rationalization of anarchism,aa s it were, a very unanarchistic move.......
  But, whatever, in the excerpt of Murdered by Capitalism I read online--first 5-6 pages---one of 
  the brothers was nicknamed Snowball!.....Is Ewball a verbal kin?

robinlandseadel at wrote:
Is this Pynchon's™ opinion? 

Yep, Pynchon's™ thoughts. OBA should be judged by the 
company he keeps, the books he promotes by others. 

I think this is the question in every book. Is Pynchon siding 
with the subversive rebel elements or does he just describe 
them really well? Would Pynchon's acquaintance with 
heresy have anything to do with an answer? 

OBA is a subversive element. Remember how he promoted
"Murdered by Capitalism"?

Read "Murdered", compare to Against the Day and come 
back with your opinion. There is no other book that I know 
of that Illuminates AtD more than "Murdered by Capitalism." 
It's obvious OBA used the book [or perhaps a 
friendship/acquaintance with John Ross] to get the details 
on Anarchist history. And that the angle of refraction that
lights up AtD is far, far left. 

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