Howard Zinn, anarchist

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Fri May 23 20:20:20 CDT 2008

An interview with a living anarchist. You don't see that everyday.

I have not seen it mentioned here, so I will toss this into the pot: in 1970 
Robert Paul Wolff, a highly regarded American philosopher, published a small 
book titled "In Defense of Anarchism." Good book.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Michael Bailey" <michael.lee.bailey at>
To: "Pynchon Liste" <pynchon-l at>
Sent: Tuesday, May 20, 2008 3:56 PM
Subject: Re: ATDTDA (33) - p. 921-2 - anarchism

> robinlandseadel writes:
>> Yep, Pynchon's™ thoughts. OBA should be judged by the
>>  company he keeps, the books he promotes by others.
>>  Consider:
> a) Rave given to Marge Piercy's _Dance the Eagle to Sleep_
> indicates a willingness to lend an ear to a cautionary tale
> about the pitfalls of revolution...
> b) some of these look pretty good


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