TMOP: Chapter 7

Richard Ryan richardryannyc at
Fri Oct 17 16:26:38 CDT 2008

In re James:  I thought that evidence had recently surfaced that he was more sexually active than had previously been thought.  I believe the record is clear that by his middle age he knew and accepted his own homosexuality. 

--- On Fri, 10/17/08, Mark Kohut <markekohut at> wrote:
From: Mark Kohut <markekohut at>
Subject: Re: TMOP: Chapter 7
To: "Richard Ryan" <richardryannyc at>
Cc: "pynchon -l" <pynchon-l at>
Date: Friday, October 17, 2008, 3:55 PM

Don't think Dostoevesky was Nietzsche or James....

James was wilfully repressed, all seem to agree; Nietzsche was barely
lucky enough to...(seemed to be in love with Lou Salome, and maybe she
was back, without doing IT)....But

Dostoevsky was just of his poor, Christian, Russian society and its norms....

--- On Fri, 10/17/08, Richard Ryan <richardryannyc at> wrote:

> From: Richard Ryan <richardryannyc at>
> Subject: Re: TMOP: Chapter 7
> To: markekohut at, "Bekah"
<Bekah0176 at>
> Cc: "pynchon -l" <pynchon-l at>
> Date: Friday, October 17, 2008, 12:56 PM
> Bekah's remark about the real word D's erotic
> dabblings reminds me of the comment about Nietzsche:
> "Never got laid but died of the clap."
> Given their prevalence at the edges of 19th Century
> bourgeois society - and in his work - one has to imagine
> that Dostoevsky had at least a passing exposure to
> prostitutes.   He has that familiar early modern quality _
> one thinks of it in James as well - of being both very
> sexual and very repressed (maybe sublimated is a better
> word) simultaneously.
> --- On Sun, 10/12/08, Bekah <Bekah0176 at>
> wrote:
>    Dostoevsky never had much of a sex life outside marriage
> that I've ever heard of.
> There were rumors (probably started by Turgenev) that
> Dostoevsky had  
> visited the child prostitutes around St. Petersburg but
> nothing  
> substantial was ever found.
> Dostoevsky experienced and heard of some serious evil doing
> as a  
> child.   His father, who had a problem with womanizing, 
> was brutally  
> murdered.  A young neighbor friend was raped.   He heard
> stories of  
> this sort when he was in Siberia.
> I think perhaps you could be right about Coetzee seeming to
> suggest  
> that D. dabbled in order to find out - as an authenticating
> artistic  
> experience.

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