Fw: "mailed" - Word of the Day from the OED

apophenist at gmail.com apophenist at gmail.com
Thu Sep 11 05:35:04 CDT 2008

> Isnt this like the past tense of, to mail, i guess it's a matter of anything to give these people busy.

what you talking about? You really nothing better to do than flood this list with irrelevant junk? 

Also, for someone who reposts OED entries you should know that putting a comma between "of" and the word that follows in the contexts like the one above is an elementary school mistake. Also, "isn't" is spelled with an apostrophe and the comma splice between "to mail" and "I guess" is considered to be a feature of spoken English. Finally, "to give sb busy" is not an accetable collocation in English. 

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