September 2008 Archives by subject
Starting: Mon Sep 1 00:15:46 CDT 2008
Ending: Tue Sep 30 23:05:14 CDT 2008
Messages: 711
- "Bolivar cannot carry double."
bandwraith at
- "spidery" - Word of the Day from the OED
David Payne
- (NP) Bush Admin really sucks
Michael Bailey
- (np) Diane Odell, polio victim wrote a book
Michael Bailey
- (np) Diane Odell, polio victim wrote a book
J K Van Nort
- 10 Hottest Sellers =s #1 Reason We Are Doomed
K3 V iN Cummiskey
- 2 online Atd articles in German - really serious stuff!
Michel Ryckx
- 2 online Atd articles in German - really serious stuff!
- 3rd person, present tense
Mark Kohut
- 3rd person, present tense, one more time
Mark Kohut
- 3rd person, present tense, one more time
Mark Kohut
- 7 years
- 7 years
Joe Allonby
- : TMoP by Larwence Bryan
K3 V iN Cummiskey
- Article:
kevincummiskey at
- Article: Mencken on English Teachers
kevincummiskey at
- Article: Mencken on English Teachers
- Article: Mencken on English Teachers
K3 V iN Cummiskey
- Article: Mencken on English Teachers
Michael Bailey
- About: Funnel-Spinning-Spidars and Rats not Dogs
K3 V iN Cummiskey
- About: God Shuffled His Feet
K3 V iN Cummiskey
- About: The Price of Gas
K3 V iN Cummiskey
- About as NP as it gets
robinlandseadel at
- About as NP as it gets
Tim Strzechowski
- About as NP as it gets
David Morris
- About as NP as it gets
Johnny Marr
- About as NP as it gets
Dave Monroe
- About as NP as it gets
Lawrence Bryan
- About as NP as it gets(?)
K3 V iN Cummiskey
- About as NP as it gets(?)
K3 V iN Cummiskey
- About as NP as it gets(?)
Dave Monroe
- A day which will live in inflamy ...
Dave Monroe
- A day which will live in inflamy ...
Dave Monroe
- A day which will live in inflamy ...
Joe Allonby
- A French connection?
Krafft, John M.
- Air-travelling à la Baron von Münchhausen
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- Re: Air-travelling à la Baron von Münchhausen
Dave Monroe
- A Journey into the Mind of Thomas Pynchon Release
- American Nobel?
bandwraith at
- Amusing photo---surely someone could fold it in to a story
Lawrence Bryan
- Amusing photo---surely someone could fold it in to a story
Joe Allonby
- Anarchy is a Natural Life
K3 V iN Cummiskey
- Anathem
Dave Monroe
- And I learned it is Coetzee,..sent unchanged since never published
Mark Kohut
- A People's History of American Empire by Howard Zinn
Guy Ian Scott Pursey
- A People's History of American Empire by Howard Zinn
- A People's History of American Empire by Howard Zinn
Guy Ian Scott Pursey
- Apology
pfm at
- Arrrrrr...
- Arrrrrr...
Joe Allonby
- A Small Inconvenience
David Morris
- A Small Inconvenience
Dave Monroe
- A Small Inconvenience
- A Small Inconvenience
David Payne
- A Small Inconvenience
David Morris
- A Small Inconvenience
David Payne
- ATD: Cyprian's departure
bandwraith at
- ATD: Cyprian's departure
robinlandseadel at
- ATD: Inconvenience == Religion
Glenn Scheper
- ATD: Inconvenience == Religion
- ATD: Shambala
Glenn Scheper
- ATD: Shambala
kelber at
- ATD: unanswered question #2
bandwraith at
- ATD: unanswered questions
bandwraith at
- ATD: unanswered questions
- ATD: unanswered questions
Tore Rye Andersen
- ATD: unanswered questions
David Morris
- ATD: unanswered questions
Mark Kohut
- ATD: unanswered questions
bandwraith at
- ATD: unanswered questions
- ATD: unanswered questions
Tore Rye Andersen
- ATD: unanswered questions
Mark Kohut
- ATD: unanswered questions #2
bandwraith at
- ATD: unanswered questions #2
robinlandseadel at
- ATD: unanswered questions #2
- ATD: unanswered questions #2
bandwraith at
- ATD: unanswered questions #2
Michael Bailey
- ATD: unanswered questions #2
bandwraith at
- ATD: unanswered questions #2
bandwraith at
- ATD: unanswered questions #2
- ATD: unanswered questions #2
bandwraith at
- ATD: unanswered questions #2
bandwraith at
- ATD: unanswered questions #2
Natália Maranca
- ATD: unanswered questions #2
kelber at
- ATD: unanswered questions #2
bandwraith at
- ATD: unanswered questions #2
- ATD: unanswered questions #2
robinlandseadel at
- ATD: unanswered questions #2
Michael Bailey
- ATD: unanswered questions #2
bandwraith at
- ATD: unanswered questions #2
bandwraith at
- ATD: unanswered questions #2
Mark Kohut
- ATD: unanswered questions #2
bandwraith at
- ATD: unanswered questions #2
Mark Kohut
- ATD: unanswered questions #2-3
bandwraith at
- ATD: unanswered questions #2-3
John Bailey
- ATD: unanswered questions #2-3
bandwraith at
- ATD: unanswered questions #2-3
robinlandseadel at
- ATD: unanswered questions #2-3
bandwraith at
- ATD: unanswered questions #3-4
robinlandseadel at
- ATD: unanswered questions #3-4
bandwraith at
- ATD: unanswered questions 6/8 pgs. 552/555
bandwraith at
- ATD: unanswered questions in 6/8 pgs. 552/555
robinlandseadel at
- ATD: unanswered questions in 6/8 pgs. 552/555
James Kyllo
- ATD: unanswered questons
bandwraith at
- ATD: unanswered questons
- Atdtda29: By now she had heard enough, 817
Paul Nightingale
- Atdtda29: Curiously silent, 812-813
Paul Nightingale
- Atdtda29: Do let's not quarrel, 813-815
Paul Nightingale
- Atdtda29: Personal dreams and wishes, 811-812
Paul Nightingale
- Atdtda29: Relapse, 815-817
Paul Nightingale
- Atdtda29: So the stories go, 818-820
Paul Nightingale
- Atdtda29: So the stories go, 818-820
Mark Kohut
- Atdtda 29: So the story goes, 818-820
bandwraith at
- ATD vs. V.? Overcoding or metaphor?
David Patty
- ATD vs. V.? Overcoding or metaphor?
David Morris
- ATD vs. V.? Overcoding or metaphor?
robinlandseadel at
- ATD vs. V.? Overcoding or metaphor?
Mark Kohut
- ATD vs. V.? Overcoding or metaphor?
Mark Kohut
- ATD vs. V.? Overcoding or metaphor?
Glenn Scheper
- ATD vs. V.? Overcoding or metaphor?
- ATD vs. V.? Overcoding or metaphor?
Joe Allonby
- ATD vs. V.? Overcoding or metaphor?
robinlandseadel at
- ATD vs. V.? Overcoding or metaphor?
Glenn Scheper
- ATD vs. V.? Overcoding or metaphor?
David Morris
- ATD vs. V.? Overcoding or metaphor?
Michael Bailey
- ATD vs. V.? Overcoding or metaphor?
Mark Kohut
- ATD vs. V.? Overcoding or metaphor?
Michael Bailey
- Baltimore Has Poe: Philadelphia Wants Him
Dave Monroe
- Banned Books Week is Sept. 27 - Oct. 4
Dave Monroe
- Banned Books Week is Sept. 27 - Oct. 4
Dave Monroe
- Banned Books Week is Sept. 27 - Oct. 4
- Banned Books Week is Sept. 27 - Oct. 4
Tim Strzechowski
- Beettle, the last subject line was exceeding regulations
K3 V iN Cummiskey
- Beettle, the last subject line was exceeding regulations
Michael Bailey
- Bilocated
robinlandseadel at
- Bolano's 2666
John Pendergast
- Bolano's 2666
- Bolano's 2666
John Pendergast
- book blogs
- Booker Business
K3 V iN Cummiskey
- Brazilian Joaquim... WHO?
K3 V iN Cummiskey
- Business is business.
Glenn Scheper
- But not for Europeans (esp. the British)..and not for TRP in AtD....
Mark Kohut
- Call me anything, just don't call me late to dinner.
David Patty
- Call me anything, just don't call me late to dinner.
Robert Mahnke
- CNN video
Natália Maranca
- College Exam Plea/Beetle
K3 V iN Cummiskey
- Creationism: Your questions answered
Dave Monroe
- Creationism: Your questions answered
Dave Monroe
- dialects - elongations - inflections
K3 V iN Cummiskey
- dialects - elongations - inflections
David Mugmon
- dis/con CERN (Die Frage nach der Technik)
bandwraith at
- dis/con CERN (Die Frage nach der Technik)
Daniel Julius
- Discussing Pynchon on Cafe litteraire
Ya Sam
- DNFTT = "Do not feed the trolls"
David Morris
- Don't McCain me, sir, I was led astray ...
Dave Monroe
- Don't McCain me, sir, I was led astray ...
Aaron Bloomfield
- Don't McCain me, sir, I was led astray ...
Dave Monroe
- do you mean this one dee?
K3 V iN Cummiskey
- Dr. Mary's Monkey
Dave Monroe
- Dr. Watson & Little (Slothrop) Albert
David Morris
- Dr. Watson & Little (Slothrop) Albert - part 2
David Morris
- drosky
Richard Ryan
- Drug Problem-No Problem
K3 V iN Cummiskey
- education 4 the masses, no content
K3 V iN Cummiskey
- eGad: Penguin Press announces a new Thomas Pynchon novel for August 2009
Dave Monroe
- eGad: Penguin Press announces a new Thomas Pynchon novel for August 2009
Joe Allonby
- Embedded Pynchon
- Embedded Pynchon
Dave Monroe
- Evil Brothers/pointed truths
K3 V iN Cummiskey
- Found Get Smart
K3 V iN Cummiskey
- Freud/Nietzsche/Dostojewski (was: RE: TMoP - Chapter Two - The cemetery)
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- From "Russia, 1801--19something", Ency Britannica...Russia 1869, serfs
Mark Kohut
- from an online review---negative--of Against the Day
Mark Kohut
- from NYT
Erik T. Burns
- From NYT: To Santa Claus
K3 V iN Cummiskey
- Fug Uzi
- Fug Uzi
Aaron Bloomfield
- Fug Uzi
Tim Strzechowski
- Fug Uzi
- Fug Uzi
Dave Monroe
- Fug Uzi
Joe Allonby
- Funnel-Spinning-Spidars
K3 V iN Cummiskey
- Fw: "Bolivar cannot carry double."
K3 V iN Cummiskey
- Fw: "mailed" - Word of the Day from the OED
K3 V iN Cummiskey
- Fw: "mailed" - Word of the Day from the OED
apophenist at
- Fw: "spidery" - Word of the Day from the OED
K3 V iN Cummiskey
- Fw: (NP) Bush Admin really sucks dick
K3 V iN Cummiskey
- Fw: About as NP as it gets(?)
K3 V iN Cummiskey
- Fw: Amusing photo---surely someone could fold it in to a story
K3 V iN Cummiskey
- Fw: Apology/Apologies Unnecessary
K3 V iN Cummiskey
- Fw: Bush Sucks Putin's Dick
K3 V iN Cummiskey
- Fw: Dee You Asked?
K3 V iN Cummiskey
- Fw: Dee You Asked?
apophenist at
- Fw: FLIRJ: Urban Word of the Day
K3 V iN Cummiskey
- Fw: from a review in tomorrow's NY Times Book Review
Mark Kohut
- Fw: From NYT: To Santa Claus [revision 9(a)]
K3 V iN Cummiskey
- Fw: Heikki's performance
K3 V iN Cummiskey
- Fw: Heikki's performance
K3 V iN Cummiskey
- Fw: immolate: Word of the Day
K3 V iN Cummiskey
- Fw: Introduction to Chenical Physics (chenical?)
K3 V iN Cummiskey
- Fw: I Read Banned Books
K3 V iN Cummiskey
- Fw: I Read Banned Books
K3 V iN Cummiskey
- Fw: I Read Kevin's Messages (sorry) dont be sorry, be happy...
K3 V iN Cummiskey
- Fw: New US Super Power (a myth which will be exposed)
K3 V iN Cummiskey
- Fw: New Yorker Cartoon: Love and Relationships for Saturday September 13, 2008
K3 V iN Cummiskey
- fw: Penguin Press announces a new Thomas Pynchon novel for August 2009
James Kyllo
- fw: Penguin Press announces a new Thomas Pynchon novel for August 2009
Dave Monroe
- Fw: putting lipstick on a pig: Urban Word of the Day
K3 V iN Cummiskey
- Fw: Re: eGad: Penguin Press announces a new Thomas Pynchon novel for August 2009
K3 V iN Cummiskey
- Fw: Re: Fw: "mailed" - Word of the Day from the OED - apophenist
K3 V iN Cummiskey
- Fw: Re: Fw: "mailed" - Word of the Day from the OED apohenist?
K3 V iN Cummiskey
- Fw: Re: Gravity's Rainbow
K3 V iN Cummiskey
- Fw: Re: Kit, Die Frage nach der Technik
K3 V iN Cummiskey
- Fw: Re: Place yr bets ...1a
K3 V iN Cummiskey
- Fw: Re: Remember all those "Slims" in AtD?
K3 V iN Cummiskey
- Fw: Re: The Second Coming of Steampunk
K3 V iN Cummiskey
- Fw: Re: what me out of business?
K3 V iN Cummiskey
- Fw: Re: what me out of business?
Joe Allonby
- Fw: Re: what me out of business?
K3 V iN Cummiskey
- Fw: Re: what me out of business? Periscope Up Beettly
K3 V iN Cummiskey
- Fw: Shakespeare Sonnet-a-Day
K3 V iN Cummiskey
- Fw: Term of the Day: Organized Labor
K3 V iN Cummiskey
- Fw: The Explorigator
K3 V iN Cummiskey
- FW: The Louisville Conference
Krafft, John M.
- Fw: The most important Pynchon Quote
K3 V iN Cummiskey
- Fw: The most important Pynchon Quote
Dave Monroe
- FW: Today in Salon: Remembering David Foster Wallace
Mark Kohut
- Fw: VIDEO: Rosh Hashanah Satire - Phone Atone
Glenn Scheper
- FW: wallace-l: DFW suicide?
- FW: wallace-l: DFW suicide?
robinlandseadel at
- FW: wallace-l: DFW suicide?
- FW: wallace-l: DFW suicide?
James Kyllo
- Fwd: "theorize" - Word of the Day from the OED
Dave Monroe
- Fwd: eGad: Penguin Press announces a new Thomas Pynchon novel for August 2009
Erik T. Burns
- Fwd: Gravity's Rainbow
Joe Allonby
- Fwd: Gravity's Rainbow
- Fwd: Philosophical Rap Contest: Misc. background to MoP
Mark Kohut
- George Lakoff vs. Sarah Palin
Dave Monroe
- George Lakoff vs. Sarah Palin
- George Lakoff vs. Sarah Palin
robinlandseadel at
- George Lakoff vs. Sarah Palin
Dave Monroe
- George Lakoff vs. Sarah Palin
Dave Monroe
- George Lakoff vs. Sarah Palin... (rlsd)
K3 V iN Cummiskey
- George Lakoff vs. Sarah Palin... (rlsd)
Dave Monroe
- George Lakoff vs. Sarah Palin... (rlsd)
Dave Monroe
- getting back to you APOPLETIC
K3 V iN Cummiskey
- getting back to you APOPLETIC
Joe Allonby
K3 V iN Cummiskey
- Google Chrome
Dave Monroe
- Google Chrome
David Morris
- Google Chrome
David Payne
- Gravity's Rainbow
Mark Kohut
- Gravity's Rainbow
- Gravity's Rainbow
- Gravity's Rainbow
Joe Allonby
- Gravity's Rainbow
K3 V iN Cummiskey
- Gravity's Rainbow
Joe Allonby
- Gravity's Rainbow
James Kyllo
- Gravity's Rainbow
- Gravity's Rainbow
wasted at
- HAP: Groovy Highway Rossini
- Heikki's performance
kelber at
- Heikki's performance
Dave Monroe
- Heikki's performance
K3 V iN Cummiskey
- Heikki's performance
Richard Ryan
- Hitler's Sunken Secret
Dave Monroe
- How I Learned The Best of The Olympics without wasting [(y) x hrs.] In Frnt. of Tube
K3 V iN Cummiskey
- im keeping busy, how 'bout U?
K3 V iN Cummiskey
- In Defense of Lost Causes
Dave Monroe
- In Defense of Lost Causes
- In Defense of Lost Causes
Heikki Raudaskoski
- In Defense of Lost Causes
Dave Monroe
- Introduction to Chenical Physics
Dave Monroe
- I Read Banned Books
- I Read Kevin's Messages (sorry)
- J.M. Coetzee - Wikipedia entry
Richard Ryan
- John Barth, master of quote marks
Paul Di Filippo
- John Barth, master of quote marks
Louis Goddard
- John Barth, master of quote marks
John Bailey
- John Barth, master of quote marks
Richard Ryan
- John Barth, master of quote marks
Joe Allonby
- just learned about CofL49...remember the Yoyodyne exec
Mark Kohut
- just learned about CofL49...remember the Yoyodyne exec
Dave Monroe
- just learned about CofL49...remember the Yoyodyne exec
Joe Allonby
- K3 v in Cummiskey thought you would be interested in this artist
K3 v in Cummiskey
- Kalima Invites Americans to Nominate US Literature for Translation into Arabic
Dave Monroe
- kevincummiskey at has referred this...
K3 V iN Cummiskey
- kevincummiskey at has referred this Quiz to you
forwardtoafriend at
- kevincummiskey at has referred this Quiz to you
David Morris
- Kit, Die Frage nach der Technik
bandwraith at
- Kit, Die Frage nach der Technik
Dave Monroe
- Kit, Die Frage nach der Technik
David Morris
- Kit, Die Frage nach der Technik
David Morris
- Klingons for Jesus
Dave Monroe
- Large Hadron Image Gallery
David Morris
- Large Hadron Image Gallery
robinlandseadel at
- Large Hadron Image Gallery
János Székely
- Large Hadron Image Gallery
bandwraith at
- Large Hadron Image Gallery
bandwraith at
- Large Hadron Image Gallery
David Morris
- Large Hadron Image Gallery
- Large Hadron Image Gallery
bandwraith at
- Large Hadron Image Gallery
- Large Hadron Image Gallery
Joe Allonby
- Large Hadron Image Gallery
Dave Monroe
- Laughs from NYr
kevincummiskey at
- let's talk contemporary russian authors
- let's talk contemporary russian authors
- let's talk contemporary russian authors
- let's talk contemporary russian authors
- Let God Retire and Collect his Pension
K3 V iN Cummiskey
- Lists of 100 Most-Used Words
Dave Monroe
- look no further breads the culpret
K3 V iN Cummiskey
- Master of Petersburg
Thomas Eckhardt
- Master of Petersburg
David Morris
- Master of Petersburg
braam van bruggen
- Master of Petersburg
Joe Allonby
- Master of Petersburg - Group Read
Tim Strzechowski
- Master of Petersburg - Group Read
Richard Ryan
- Master of Petersburg - Group Read
- Master of Petersburg - Group Read
David Morris
- Master of Petersburg - Group Read - Final (?! ) Revised Schedule
Richard Ryan
- Master of Petersburg - Group Read - Revised Schedule
Richard Ryan
- Master of Petersburg - Group Read - Revised Schedule
- Master of Petersburg - Group Read - Revised Schedule
Tim Strzechowski
- Master of Petersburg - Group Read - Revised Schedule
David Morris
- Master of Petersburg - Group Read - Revised Schedule
Richard Ryan
- Master of Petersburg - Group Read - Revised Schedule
David Morris
- Master of Petersburg - Group Read - Revised Schedule
Mark Kohut
- Master of Petersburg - Group Read - Revised Schedule
robinlandseadel at
- Master of Petersburg - Group Read - Revised Schedule
Mark Kohut
- Master of Petersburg - Group Read - Revised Schedule
robinlandseadel at
- Master of Petersburg - Group Read - Revised Schedule
robinlandseadel at
- Max P. Haering: Zeichnungen zum Werk von Thomas Pynchon
- Menstruation (WAS: National Punctuation Day)
Tim Strzechowski
- Moby Dick
Dave Monroe
- moving funiture and decorating
K3 V iN Cummiskey
- NASCAR Cancels Season!
- NASCAR Cancels Season!
robinlandseadel at
- National Book Award 1973
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- National Book Award 1973
Natália Maranca
- National Book Award 1973
Mark Kohut
- National Punctuation Day
Dave Monroe
- National Punctuation Day
Tim Strzechowski
- National Punctuation Day
Dave Monroe
- National Punctuation Day
Dave Monroe
- National Punctuation Day
kelber at
- National Punctuation Day
Richard Ryan
- National Punctuation Day
Heikki Raudaskoski
- Neal Stephenson answers your phone calls ...
Dave Monroe
- Neu-York
Dave Monroe
- Neu-York
Heikki Raudaskoski
- Neu-York
- Newbees as opposed to?
K3 V iN Cummiskey
- Newbees as opposed to?
Dave Monroe
- Newbees as opposed to?
Tim Strzechowski
- Newbees as opposed to? The Real McCoys?
K3 V iN Cummiskey
- new pynchon, aug 2009
- new pynchon, aug 2009
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- new pynchon, aug 2009
Dave Monroe
- new pynchon, aug 2009
Chris Crocker
- new pynchon, aug 2009
kelber at
- new pynchon, aug 2009
Ya Sam
- new pynchon, aug 2009
Mark Kohut
- new pynchon, aug 2009
- new pynchon, aug 2009
robinlandseadel at
- new pynchon, aug 2009
- new pynchon, aug 2009
K3 V iN Cummiskey
- new pynchon, aug 2009
Joe Allonby
- new pynchon, aug 2009
Brock Vond
- new pynchon latest from steven moore
Erik T. Burns
- new pynchon latest from steven moore
robinlandseadel at
- new pynchon latest from steven moore
Brock Vond
- new pynchon latest from steven moore
robinlandseadel at
- New US Super Power
David Payne
- Nextbook Feature: My Tel Aviv
kevincummiskey at
- Nostradamus and the Nazis
- Nostradamus und die Nazis
- Now, this be better!
- NP (but DFW): How Literature can change your life....
Mark Kohut
- NP - Corpus Clock & Chronophage
David Morris
- NP - Corpus Clock & Chronophage
John Bailey
- NP - Paradise
David Morris
- NP - The Hemingses of Monticello
David Morris
- NP: BIG Coetzee spoiler
Glenn Scheper
- NP: BIG Coetzee spoiler
Glenn Scheper
- NP: BIG Coetzee spoiler
Lawrence Bryan
- NP: BIG Coetzee spoiler
Mark Kohut
- NP: Election 2008 ... I Need Your Votes
Tim Strzechowski
- NP: Election 2008 ... I Need Your Votes
Dave Monroe
- NP: FW: really important!
Krafft, John M.
- NP: FW: really important!
Werner Presber
- NP: Michael Palin for President
- NP: Michael Palin for President
Michael Bailey
- NP: PBS Pollin' Palin
- NP: PBS Pollin' Palin
Dave Monroe
- NP: PBS Pollin' Palin
Lawrence Bryan
- NP: PBS Pollin' Palin
Dave Monroe
- NP: PBS Pollin' Palin
David Patty
- NP: Slander 08
robinlandseadel at
- NP: The teleological suspension of the ethical
robinlandseadel at
- NP: Tonight @ The University of Mississippi
- NP: Tonight @ The University of Mississippi
David Morris
- NP: Who wanted more modern Russian writers? : Demonic Muse
Mark Kohut
- NP: WOz&DSotM
- NP: WOz&DSotM
Tim Strzechowski
- NP: WOz&DSotM
Joe Allonby
- NP: Yelagin Island study
Glenn Scheper
- NP: Yelagin Island study
Mark Kohut
- NP culinary question
Heikki Raudaskoski
- NP culinary question
Tim Strzechowski
- NP culinary question
Louis Goddard
- NPish: Jed Bartlet meets Barack Obama
robinlandseadel at
- - Silver Jews On A Pleasure Cruise
kevincummiskey at
- Discounts Beckon in Closed-End Funds
kevincummiskey at
- OBA's next
Ray Easton
- OBA's next
- OBA's next
kelber at
- OBA's next
Natália Maranca
- OBA's next
Dave Monroe
- OBA's next
Natália Maranca
- OBA's next
- OBA's next
Natália Maranca
- OBA's next, & his poetry
David Kipen
- OBA's next, & his poetry
robinlandseadel at
- OBA's next, & his poetry
James Kyllo
- Obama & the Conquest of Denver
Dave Monroe
- Ouch! Wash Post's Dirda on Stephenson's Anathem
- P-related take on the News you won't read
Mark Kohut
- P.S. on the philosophy rap contest
Mark Kohut
- P.S. on the philosophy rap contest
John Bailey
- Panic: Back To School Daze
K3 V iN Cummiskey
- Panic: Back To School Daze
Joe Allonby
- Panic: Back To School Daze abc
K3 V iN Cummiskey
- Paul Newman, requiescat in pace ...
Dave Monroe
- Petersburg
Mark Kohut
- Petersburg
Michael Richard
- Petersburg
Mark Kohut
- Petersburg cont.
Richard Ryan
- Petersburg cont.
- Petersburg cont.
- Philosophical Rap Contest: Misc. background to MoP
braam van bruggen
- Place yr bets ...
Dave Monroe
- Place yr bets ...
- Place yr bets ...
Dave Monroe
- Place yr bets ...
- Place yr bets ...
Dave Monroe
- Place yr bets ...
- Place yr bets ...
- Price Summation Vs. Price Reality
K3 V iN Cummiskey
- Proverbs for Paranoids
Dave Monroe
- Re: pynchon-l-digest V2 #6427
tim at
- Re: pynchon-l-digest V2 #6428
tim at
- Pynchon mention
Robert Eiffert
- Pynchon mention
Michael Bailey
- Pynchon on Street in Cut from Movie on Video on Web?
- Pynchon on Street in Cut from Movie on Video on Web?
Dave Monroe
- Quotes By Thomas Pynchon
Dave Monroe
- Quotes By Thomas Pynchon
Dave Monroe
- Quotes of teh Day, Every Day ...
Dave Monroe
- Quotes of teh Day, Every Day ...
robinlandseadel at
- Rare upside-down rainbow spotted in the UK
Dave Monroe
- Rating ATD
kelber at
- Rating ATD
David Morris
- Rating ATD
Mark Kohut
- Rating ATD
kelber at
- Rating ATD
Natália Maranca
- Rating ATD
- Rating ATD
John Bailey
- Rating ATD
robinlandseadel at
- Rating ATD
K3 V iN Cummiskey
- Rating ATD
- Rating ATD
braam van bruggen
- Rating ATD
Natália Maranca
- Rating ATD
Rich Clavey
- Rating ATD
Michael Bailey
- Rating ATD
- Rating ATD
Heikki Raudaskoski
- Rating ATD
robinlandseadel at
- Rating ATD
Mark Kohut
- Rating ATD
Heikki Raudaskoski
- Rating ATD
robinlandseadel at
- Rating ATD
kelber at
- Rating ATD
malignd at
- Rating ATD
Robert Mahnke
- Rating ATD
- Rating ATD
Dave Monroe
- Rating ATD
Heikki Raudaskoski
- Rating ATD
kelber at
- Rating ATD
James Kyllo
- Rating ATD
Heikki Raudaskoski
- Rating ATD
bandwraith at
- Rating ATD
braam van bruggen
- Rating ATD
robinlandseadel at
- relating to [0]
K3 V iN Cummiskey
- Remember all those "Slims" in AtD?
Mark Kohut
- Return to Sender
K3 V iN Cummiskey
- richard wright
- richard wright
Natália Maranca
- richard wright
Dave Monroe
- richard wright
Joe Allonby
- richard wright
Dave Monroe
- RIP - David Foster Wallace
Richard Ryan
- Roman Scouts and STDs
K3 V iN Cummiskey
- Russian names
Richard Ryan
- Sferics...
David Patty
- Sferics...
Mark Kohut
- Sferics...
David Patty
- Smile, Sarah
- Some thoughts on ATD
kelber at
- Some thoughts on ATD
Dave Monroe
- Some thoughts on ATD
- Some thoughts on ATD
robinlandseadel at
- Some thoughts on ATD
robinlandseadel at
- Some thoughts on ATD
Tore Rye Andersen
- Some thoughts on ATD
Joe Allonby
- Some thoughts on ATD
Dave Monroe
- Some thoughts on ATD
David Morris
- Some thoughts on ATD
Michael Bailey
- Song of the Day
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- Song of the Day
Dave Monroe
- songs in AtD
Michael Bailey
- songs in AtD
- songs in AtD
Natália Maranca
- songs in AtD
robinlandseadel at
- Speaking of infamy Re: A day which will live in inflamy ...
Simon Bryquer
- Speaking of infamy Re: A day which will live in inflamy ...
Werner Presber
- St Petersburg Etc.
Richard Ryan
- Summer Isn't Over ...
- Svechnoi Street
Richard Ryan
- the acronym from on high
K3 V iN Cummiskey
- The American Epic
Ya Sam
- The American Epic
Dave Monroe
- The American Epic
Daniel Julius
- The Defecating Duck, or, the Ambiguous Origins of Artificial Life
Dave Monroe
- The Explorigator
Dave Monroe
- The Fool
Dave Monroe
- The Fool
robinlandseadel at
- The last days of David Foster Wallace
robinlandseadel at
- The last days of David Foster Wallace
Dave Monroe
- The last days of David Foster Wallace
Michael Bailey
- The Man Shot By a Particle Beam
David Morris
- The Master of Petersburg, beginning
Mark Kohut
- The Master of Petersburg - Publication Information
Richard Ryan
- The Master of Petersburg - Publication Information
Tim Strzechowski
- The Master of Petersburg - Publication Information
- The most important Pynchon Quote
robinlandseadel at
- The most important Pynchon Quote
Dave Monroe
- The most important Pynchon Quote
robinlandseadel at
- There's something in this for everybody
K3 V iN Cummiskey
- The Second Coming of Steampunk
Dave Monroe
- The Second Coming of Steampunk
David Morris
- The Second Coming of Steampunk
Dave Monroe
- The Second Coming of Steampunk
Jon Lebkowsky
- The Second Coming of Steampunk
David Morris
- The Second Coming of Steampunk
Dave Monroe
- The Second Coming of Steampunk
Dave Monroe
- The Second Coming of Steampunk
Jon Lebkowsky
- This is the dawning of the Age of Credulity
Dave Monroe
- Thomas Pynchon exploits history for his own selfish ends
Dave Monroe
- Thomas Pynchon exploits history for his own selfish ends
- Thomas Pynchon exploits history for his own selfish ends
David Morris
- Thomas Pynchon exploits history for his own selfish ends
David Patty
- Thomas Pynchon exploits history for his own selfish ends
David Morris
- Thomas Pynchon exploits history for his own selfish ends
Mark Kohut
- Thomas Pynchon exploits history for his own selfish ends
David Morris
- Thomas Pynchon exploits history for his own selfish ends
David Morris
- Thomas Pynchon exploits history for his own selfish ends
Mark Kohut
- Thomas Pynchon exploits history for his own selfish ends
Mark Kohut
- Thomas Pynchon exploits history for his own selfish ends
robinlandseadel at
- Thomas Pynchon exploits history for his own selfish ends
Tim Strzechowski
- Thomas Pynchon exploits history for his own selfish ends
robinlandseadel at
- Thomas Pynchon exploits history for his own selfish ends
Dave Monroe
- Thomas Pynchon exploits history for his own selfish ends
Dave Monroe
- Thomas Pynchon exploits history for his own selfish ends
Mark Kohut
- Thomas Pynchon exploits history for his own selfish ends
David Patty
- Thomas Pynchon exploits history for his own selfish ends
James Kyllo
- Thomas Pynchon exploits history for his own selfish ends
Joe Allonby
- TMoP
Lawrence Bryan
- TMoP
Joe Allonby
- TMoP
Mark Kohut
- TMoP
Heikki Raudaskoski
- TMoP
Lawrence Bryan
- TMoP
Heikki Raudaskoski
- TMoP
Lawrence Bryan
- TMoP
Glenn Scheper
- TMoP
- TMoP, Chap 1, Page 1, Paragraph 1
Richard Ryan
- TMoP, Chap 1, Page 1, Paragraph 1
Joe Allonby
- TMoP, Chap 1, Page 1, Paragraph 1
Lawrence Bryan
- TMoP, Chap 1, Page 1, Paragraph 1
David Morris
- TMoP, Chap 1, Page 1, Paragraph 1
robinlandseadel at
- TMoP, Chap 1, Page 1, Paragraph 1
- TMoP, Chap 1, Page 1, Paragraph 1
David Payne
- TMoP, Chap 1, Page 1, Paragraph 1
David Mugmon
- TMoP, Chap 1, Page 1, Paragraph 1
Tim Strzechowski
- TMoP, Chap 1, Page 1, Paragraph 1
- TMoP, Chap 1, Page 1, Paragraph 1
Lawrence Bryan
- TMoP, Chap 1, Page 1, Paragraph 1
- TMoP, Chap 1, Page 1, Paragraph 1
Mark Kohut
- TMoP, Chap 1, Page 1, Paragraph 1
Mark Kohut
- TMoP, some misc. annotation
Mark Kohut
- TMoP, some misc. annotation
Michael Bailey
- TMoP - Chapter one - Core Characters
Richard Ryan
- TMoP - Chapter one - Core Characters
Mark Kohut
- TMoP - Chapter one - Core Characters
Richard Ryan
- TMoP - Chapter one - Core Characters
Richard Fiero
- TMoP - Chapter one - Core Characters
Richard Ryan
- TMoP - Chapter one - Core Characters
Mark Kohut
- TMoP - Chapter Three - Pavel
Richard Ryan
- TMoP - Chapter Three - Pavel
- TMoP - Chapter Three - Pavel
Richard Ryan
- TMoP - Chapter Three - Pavel
David Morris
- TMoP - Chapter Three - Pavel [more]
Richard Ryan
- TMoP - Chapter Two - The cemetery
Richard Ryan
- TMoP - Chapter Two - The cemetery
David Morris
- TMoP - Chapter Two - The cemetery
Richard Ryan
- TMoP - Chapter Two - The cemetery
Mark Kohut
- TMoP - Chapter Two - The cemetery
- TMoP - Chapter Two - The cemetery
Mark Kohut
- TMoP - Chapter Two - The cemetery
Richard Ryan
- TMoP - Chapter Two - The cemetery
Richard Ryan
- TMoP - Chapter Two - The cemetery
Mark Kohut
- TMoP - Chapter Two - The cemetery
- TMoP - Chapter Two - The cemetery
Lawrence Bryan
- TMoP - Chapter Two - The cemetery
- TMoP - Chapter Two - The cemetery
Mark Kohut
- TMoP - Chapter Two - The cemetery
Glenn Scheper
- TMoP - Chapter Two - The cemetery
Mark Kohut
- TMoP - Chapter Two - The cemetery
David Morris
- TMoP - Chapter Two - The cemetery
Mark Kohut
- TMoP - Chapter Two - The cemetery
David Morris
- TMoP - Chapter Two - The cemetery
Richard Ryan
- TMoP - Chapter Two - The cemetery
Mark Kohut
- TMoP - Chapter Two - The cemetery
Mark Kohut
- TMoP - Chapter Two - The cemetery
- TMoP - Petersburg
Richard Ryan
Glenn Scheper
Glenn Scheper
Glenn Scheper
Glenn Scheper
Glenn Scheper
- TMOP: Chap 5 pgs 29-31
- TMoP: Pattern
Glenn Scheper
- TMoP: Pattern
David Morris
- TMoP: Pattern
David Morris
- TMoP: Pattern
- TMoP: Pattern
Mark Kohut
- TMoP: Pattern
- TMoP: short P.S. on "denial"
Mark Kohut
- TMoP: The Possessed (novel)
Glenn Scheper
- TMoP_Ch1_Pg1
Glenn Scheper
- TMoP_Ch1_Pg2
Glenn Scheper
- TMoP_Ch1_Pg2
Glenn Scheper
- TMoP Chap 1: Grief in TMoP, Freud on
Mark Kohut
- TMoP Chap 1: Grief in TMoP, Freud on
Richard Ryan
- TMoP Chap 1: Grief in TMoP, Freud on
Mark Kohut
- TMoP Chap 1: Grief in TMoP, Freud on
- TMoP Chap 1: Grief in TMoP, Freud on
Mark Kohut
- TMoP Prologomen
Glenn Scheper
- TOLFA: The Need to Read
K3 V iN Cummiskey
- Tonight @ The University of Mississippi
Dave Monroe
- Tonight @ The University of Mississippi
Joe Allonby
- Tonight @ The University of Mississippi
David Morris
- Tonight @ The University of Mississippi
Dave Monroe
- Tonight @ The University of Mississippi
Dave Monroe
- Tonight @ The University of Mississippi
- Tonight @ The University of Mississippi
Dave Monroe
- Tonight @ The University of Mississippi
David Morris
- Tonight @ The University of Mississippi
Dave Monroe
- Tonight @ The University of Mississippi
David Morris
- Tonight @ The University of Mississippi
- Too Doctrine re: Wormy Restatement
K3 V iN Cummiskey
- toroidal technology - marko rodin
Glenn Scheper
- Tristan Away
- twimc (owmbsi)
Michael Bailey
- twimc (owmbsi)
David Morris
- twimc (owmbsi)
Tim Strzechowski
- twimc (owmbsi)
David Morris
- twimc (owmbsi)
Tim Strzechowski
- twimc (owmbsi)
David Morris
- twimc (owmbsi)
Joe Allonby
- Uncivil Disobedience
Dave Monroe
- Uncivil Disobedience
Mark Kohut
- Uncivil Disobedience
Michael Bailey
- Wallace
wasted at
- Wallace
Tim Strzechowski
- Wallace
bandwraith at
- Wallace
- Wallace
- Wallace
Michael Bailey
- Wallace
- Wallace
Guy Ian Scott Pursey
- wallace-l: DFW suicide?
David Casseres
- War Notes, and life's natural aburdities
K3 V iN Cummiskey
- War Notes, and life's natural aburdities // Kevin, you want conspiracies, we got 'em...
Michael Bailey
- what me out of business?
K3 V iN Cummiskey
- what me out of business?
Joe Allonby
- what me out of business?
Michael Bailey
- what me out of business?
Joe Allonby
- what me out of business?
Dave Monroe
- what me out of business?
- what me out of business?
Joe Allonby
- what me out of business?
K3 V iN Cummiskey
- what me out of business?
Joe Allonby
- what me out of business? -- cheer up dee
K3 V iN Cummiskey
- what me out of business? and/or Reply to Alloyboy
K3 V iN Cummiskey
- Who's In Charge
K3 V iN Cummiskey
- You have received a YouTube video!
K3 V iN Cummiskey
- „Contre-jour“
Last message date:
Tue Sep 30 23:05:14 CDT 2008
Archived on: Tue Feb 20 18:58:55 CST 2018
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).