what me out of business?

Michael Bailey michael.lee.bailey at gmail.com
Fri Sep 12 08:43:49 CDT 2008

K3 V iN Cummiskey  wrote:
> http://history1900s.about.com/od/1900s/qt/trspelling.htm?nl=1
>  The reason the likes of TR didn't and never will get their way is because the likes of Apoplexy and Allonboy and others whom ive forgot are too strong a lobby

the lobby of piano movers?  Last I remember, Joe Allonby was
in that occupation (which is why I compared him more closely to Zoyd -
the gypsy roofer - than myself)

Are the piano movers in the Teamsters?
Definitely don't wanna mess with the Teamsters!

TR is not my hero except for starting the national park system.
Other than that, I pretty much give the big fat raspberry to his career.

The US could have bought off the Spanish for less money than it took to wage
the Spanish-American war, with not a single life lost.
This would have started the US on a course of living up to its ideals
of freedom.
Not to mention, occasion for some awesome Spanish and American ridottos.
(Ridottos figure prominently in _Mason & Dixon_)

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