In Defense of Lost Causes

JD wescac at
Thu Sep 25 18:47:35 CDT 2008

I enjoy Zizek.  He recently gave a reading, or a talk, or something, here in
the Boston area.  I can't say for sure what it was, because it sold out
before I could get a ticket.  I actually won a ticket from a local radio
station that night, and biked several miles to the theatre at which it was
occurring before the station called me back and said the Brattle had
informed them that they were not able to give a ticket away for that
particular event.  Dammit.

However I thought I'd mention - there's apparently a video of Zizek calling
his readers idiots.  I trust the person who informed me of this but I've not
found it myself.  Essentially, he apparently doesn't take himself seriously
at all and finds people who do silly.

On Thu, Sep 25, 2008 at 1:46 PM, Dave Monroe <against.the.dave at>wrote:

> Slavoj Žižek
> In Defense of Lost Causes
> Publication
> May 2008
> 504 pages
> Paper
> ISBN-13: 978 1 84467 108 3
> US$34.95 / £19.99 / CAN$38.50
> A witty, adrenalin-fuelled manifesto for universal values by the
> maverick philosopher
> Is global emancipation a lost cause? Are universal values outdated
> relics of an earlier age? In the postmodern world, ideologies of all
> kinds have been cast in doubt. In this combative new work, renowned
> theorist Slavoj Zizek takes on the reigning postmodern agenda with a
> manifesto for several "lost causes." From a provocative redemption of
> Heidegger's engagement with the Third Reich as "a right step in the
> wrong direction" to reasserting class struggle as the underlying
> reality of global capitalism, to a defense of the emancipatory legacy
> of Christianity against New Age spiritualism, Zizek confronts the
> failures of contemporary theory and proposes unexpected resolutions.
> "In his free time, Žižek likes to surf the internet for child
> pornography and teach his small son how to pull the legs off spiders"
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