Human Paraquat

rich richard.romeo at
Fri Aug 21 10:25:14 CDT 2009

possibly one of the funniest lines in movie history and rumored to be
improvised--if so, Jeff Bridges man...props to him
I thought it was some kind of parrot from Paraguay or soemthing--you
learn something everyday
(had my girlfriend watch the BL for the first time--she not being
atuned to that beautiful stoner humor--she looked at me and said u
really worship this dude--what can I say, sheepishly, yes)
I told her the line the Dude Abides ranks up there w/ great movie
lines of all time (tho that paraquat line may be even better)

p.s.  do the police in Malibu really wear shorts? can't imagine
Bigfoot wearing police shorts


During the late 1970s, a controversial program sponsored by the US
government sprayed paraquat on marijuana fields in Mexico.[7] Since
much of this marijuana was subsequently smoked by Americans, the US
government's "Paraquat Pot" program stirred much debate. Perhaps in an
attempt to deter people from using marijuana, representatives of the
program warned that spraying rendered the crop unsafe to smoke.

However, independent bodies have studied paraquat in this use. Jenny
Pronczuk de Garbino, [8] stated: "no lung or other injury in marijuana
users has ever been attributed to paraquat contamination". Also a
United States Environmental Protection Agency manual states: "...
toxic effects caused by this mechanism have been either very rare or
nonexistent. Most paraquat that contaminates marijuana is pyrolyzed
during smoking to dipyridyl, which is a product of combustion of the
leaf material itself (including marijuana) and presents little toxic

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