Bekah bekah0176 at sbcglobal.net
Mon Aug 17 22:25:55 CDT 2009

Actually,  I thought it was dating Doc - to show his age.   He's not a  
teenager in surf-city.     His parents,  Leo and Elmina Sportello,   
met in 1934.  This is 1970 so he's like maybe 32 or so?  If the book  
ever gets more specific I can't find it.   If Runaway from 1961 is a  
favorite of Doc's then


On Aug 17, 2009, at 6:02 AM, Robin Landseadel wrote:

> On Aug 17, 2009, at 5:43 AM, Bekah wrote:
>> And the earlier periods are there, too.   Del Shannon's Runaway (an  
>> old fave of mine and Doc likes it) is mentioned and it was released  
>> and a huge hit in 1961.   I think it's called an "oldie" on a radio  
>> station in IV.
> Top 40 radio, as I recall*, often had such reliable gimmicks as  
> "Million Dollar Weekends" featuring "Million Dollar Oldies." Funny  
> how the concept of "oldies" shifts through time. In 1963, old Jerry  
> Lee Lewis & Chuck Berry tunes were recycled this way, only to be  
> cannibalized by the Beach Boys and others. Certainly Doc's listening  
> choices are filtered by the surfer mentality and a whole lotta weed.  
> But there were even more of these little subjunctive—"gee, wasn't  
> the music so innocent & fun back then?"—moods on L.A. radio back in  
> Doc's time, little would-be utopias, blasted by shifts in consumer  
> demand and delivered in lo-fi  three minute doses.
> It's So L.A.:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hbmrZCbnBYQ
> * Hi!, I'm Robin & I'll be your unreliable narrator this morning.

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