IVIV (0)

rich richard.romeo at gmail.com
Fri Aug 21 15:02:42 CDT 2009

curious what u think of it in any case, Laura
was never a fan of those idiotic dirty dozen films myself. that sure didn't help

there is a prequel in the works.  d'oh!

On 8/21/09, kelber at mindspring.com <kelber at mindspring.com> wrote:
> Rich, you've seen the movie and I've only read the screenplay so far.  I
> might well agree with you after seeing the movie.  The script didn't seem
> like just another dumb, Hollywood movie.  It seemed creative, original and
> entertaining.  The scenes where the Brad Pitt-played character, every bit
> the stereotype of a Jew-and-black-hating Southern redneck, turns his
> animosities on Nazis -- well, they struck me as kind of hilarious.  I also
> thought the guessing-game sequence was great.  How this appears on the
> screen is a different matter.  I'm happy there's anything I even want to see
> after the year-long onslaught of Hollywood-formula rom-coms, action pix,
> etc.
> There's been a lot of talk about this being a "Jewish revenge fantasy."  Off
> hand, I don't think that's a bad thing.  Maybe I've had too many
> conversations with fellow Jews who screamingly invoke the Holocaust as a
> conversation-stopping justification for the real-life revenge the Israelis
> seem to be wreaking on the Palestinians.  Seeing revenge played out against
> the real culprits, if only on the screen, feels kind of cathartic.  I don't
> think the movie's meant to be a deep, thought-provoking movie about the
> Holocaust, at any rate, but I'm also sure that Tarantino (self-absorbed,
> pretentious smarm that he appears to be in interviews) is tone-deaf to the
> sensibilities his movie will offend.
> Laura
> -----Original Message-----
>>From: rich <richard.romeo at gmail.com>
>>nope. I wouldn't presume to know that about anyone. In a nutshell, I
>>am just wondering why someone would make a movie about Jews acting
>>like Nazis, copying, mirroring in fact acts of appalling
>>brutality--carving of symbols in flesh, burning a group of people
>>alive-things the Germans did all too often during the war. I wonder if
>>those who suffered thru it w/ find these acts funny. (The
>>Einsatzgruppen in Come and See are laughing and cheering, too amidst
>>mass murder)
>>Not to mention a movie where you almost feel sorry for the Nazis as
>>victims--that's just so wrong.
>>It goes beyond the actual movie itself or Tarantino (who is coming
>>from the genre angle and hardly cares about the history) for that
>>matter--just the American/Hollywood portrayal of something that can
>>never really be portrayed faithfully (tho Come and See comes close)
>>In summary, all I'm saying is to look upon IB as nothing more than
>>porn (Eli Roth has said as much)
>>I sure as heck didn't feel much uplift from watching people being
>>burnt alive--QT may think of it as provocative; I think its pretty
>>maybe i'm thinking too much about one dumb hollywood film
>>On 8/21/09, kelber at mindspring.com <kelber at mindspring.com> wrote:
>>> Are you suggesting that my enjoying the Basterd's script means that I
>>> don't
>>> take the Holocaust seriously?  I also enjoyed Stalag 17 and The
>>> Producers.
>>> Laura
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>From: rich <richard.romeo at gmail.com>
>>>>all I ask Laura is watch Come and See if you haven't seen it; and see
>>>>if that experience changes your view of Basterds
>>>>On 8/21/09, kelber at mindspring.com <kelber at mindspring.com> wrote:
>>>>> looking forward to your take on Inglourius Basterds.  Haven't seen it
>>>>> yet,
>>>>> but I read the script and thought it was great (and I'm no Tarantino
>>>>> fan).
>>>>> LK
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>From: Dave Monroe <against.the.dave at gmail.com>
>>>>>>Sent: Aug 20, 2009 6:14 PM
>>>>>>To: pynchon -l <pynchon-l at waste.org>
>>>>>>Subject: IVIV (0)
>>>>>>Today taken up with clinic appointment, lunch, new comics @ the shops,
>>>>>>picking up mail, union meeting, art museum visit, friends' bands
>>>>>>playing, Inglourious Basterds @ midnight, passing out on the bus, et
>>>>>>al.,will be back tomorrow, then out of town for a wedding this weekend
>>>>>>(no, not mine ...), then, hiopefully, IVIV (1).  Thnaks for yr
>>>>>>patience!  Mingle, mingle ...

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