The Long Goodbye the Movie, IV the Movie?

Michael Bailey michael.lee.bailey at
Thu Dec 10 15:47:39 CST 2009

I recently watched The Long Goodbye again and it gets better each time.

He smokes a lot.  Those were the days when grocery stores had
ashtrays in the aisles.  He's always striking up a wooden match
on various hard surfaces: pavement, walls, countertops...

If they did make a movie with all the weed parts left in, I predict
it would do pretty well.  I remember reading about how the test audience
when they screened "The Big Chill" gave their biggest positive
reaction to Nick and especially the scene in his car where all the
pills slide out from under the seat (or visuals to that effect - I haven't
watched that one recently) - close to a standing ovation for the dope,
the article said.

On 12/10/09, rich <richard.romeo at> wrote:
> lots of cool talk about weed and booze and such w/r/t to Chandler and
>  Pynchon, thankee.
>  for those who have seen the movie The Long Goodbye and read the novel
>  (both of which are great tho different beyond the medium), and with
>  all that booze talk, one thing I noticed watching the movie is that
>  Marlowe, if anything, smokes like a fiend, and not so much of downing
>  the hootch.
>  which leads to me to ask whether anyone who would film a version of IV
>  would so emphasize the pot smoking as much as it is in the book and if
>  they did I would think it would resemble elliot gould's chainsmoking
>  in the Long Goodbye.
>  just thinking here and as Yosemite Sam says "and my head hurts"

- "The doctor said give him jug band music; it seems to make him feel
just fine!"

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