VL-IV waiting for the electrician, or someone like him - incongruous detail?

Michael Bailey michael.lee.bailey at gmail.com
Sat Feb 7 00:05:02 CST 2009

"...was oddly aware herself only of one electrician, poised silent
near a small fill light...just out of her field of vision, his smoky
and blurred presence more real to her than any bidder in the room, any
future master....How could that be?" (137)

so DL is at the fabulous auction and her finely tuned Ninjette senses
home in on - a humble tech?
is it a reminder of how extraneous detail intrudes even in highly
emotional episodes, how as Robert Frost said in The Importance of
Being Versed in Country Matters, the world isn't raptly following our
ups and downs? "The woodspurge has a leaf of three" sort of thing?

or is it a pointer to the importance and ubiquity of the "indispensable proles"?

"Frenesi's eyes, even on the aging ECO stock, took over the frame, a
defiance of blue unfadable."

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