Can you find "Schwarzkommando" in the archives? (was: RE: Partly P: Diacritical signs)

Michael Bailey michael.lee.bailey at
Tue Feb 17 10:06:56 CST 2009

Dave Monroe <against.the.dave at> wrote:

> That is very true.  In fact, someone somewhere had a mirror site
> going, which was, and they were asked kindly but apparently firmly
> enough that they took it down.  And I can see why ...

ahh.  I see.  Thanks, Dave.  My project is removed even from the back
burner.  That's the info I was looking for.

but you say you don't like it that waste removes posters's email
addresses?   I've been doing that manually on all my replies, because
I think it's cool...left yours on this one just to see how it feels...

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