Parrots & Magical Realism

Great Quail quail at
Thu Feb 26 10:49:22 CST 2009

Robin writes,
> I may be confused and you may be right. This may come from a personal
> sense that "magic" carries positive connotations

I see you've never dated a Crowley-obsessed witch with severe bipolar

> Extending on the previous thought, there is a similar sense of dread,
> of "anti-magic" in "Gravity's Rainbow" and "V."  The tone lightens in
> "M&D" & "AtD."

I'm not sure I agree with you, but it's certainly a matter of opinion. I
find there to be just as many passages of whimsy and horror in all of those
books. The Black Hole of Calcutta, the killing fields of WWI -- they prevent
me from really considering those books very "light." (That and the fact they
each weigh twenty pounds.) Though in general, M&D does seem to be his most
"upbeat" book, perhaps because of the irrepressible spirit of Dixon.

> Will do. Sounds like you know more about magical realism than I do.

Eh. I founded a Garcia Marquez web site, and was inundated with it for a
while. I am not sure anyone knows more about it than anyone else sometimes.
Hell, some critics pretend it doesn't even exist.

Sorry if I came across as too pedantic. I've been in a cranky mood lately.


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