Re: Moin Michi, was macht die Übersetzungsarbeit? (war: VineLand-IntraVenös)
Michael Bailey
michael.lee.bailey at
Sat Jan 24 14:56:12 CST 2009
simply Simplicius fever...glee that someone wrote an opera about a
novel I remember as being very good...if there is a Pynchon
connection, let alone a Vineland connection (and I'm not saying there
is) it would be that the 17th Century was one of terrors and new ideas
as potent as the 20th...that Simplicius, which signifies "fool",
struck me as a prototype of Slothrop in some ways...
also, James, my Catholic friend at work, who admires the Opus Dei, has
been laying responsibility for those bad times at Martin Luther's door
and telling me also that Protestant colonialism had a stronger element
of genocide than Catholic...which sort of tied into the exploration of
heresy that Robin prompted me to undertake...
(oder auf Deutsch: toerichtes freute mich, dass
jemand eine Oper gemacht hat, von einem bei mir gutem Roman...wenn es
etwas mit Pynchon, oder Vineland, zu tun hat (und ich sage nicht, dass
es so etwas hat) das waere eine Aehnlichkeit zwischen der siebzehnte
und zwanzigste Jahrhundert, im Hinblick auf Terroren und neue
Ideen...vielleicht Slothrop und Simplicius sind zwei Versionen einer
Kai Frederik Lorentzen wrote:
>> In A.D. 1618, 12 million lived in Germany. Then came the great war.
>> In A.D. 1648 only 4 million still lived in Germany.
>> (opening to Karl Amadeus Hartmann's opera Simplicius Simplicissimus)
> Was man an einem deutschen Gymnasium in zwei Jahren nicht so alles
> lernen kann ... Vielleicht könntest Du noch einen VL-spezifischen
> Kontext herstellen?
> Danke! Kai
In A.D. 1618, 12 million lived in Germany. Then came the great war. …
In A.D. 1648 only 4 million still lived in Germany.
(opening to Karl Amadeus Hartmann's opera Simplicius Simplicissimus)
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