Inherent Vice

Dave Monroe against.the.dave at
Tue Jul 7 08:50:59 CDT 2009

Dear Penguin people--

Yes, I know, I have please noted that y'all "do not send review copies
to individual consumers."  However, allow me to note that (a) I am, in
fact, eminently dividual, even though I would prefer to remain as
intact as possible, and (b) if you GIVE me a complimentary copy of
Thomas Pynchon's forthcoming (from Penguin!) novel, InherentVvice, I
will precisely NOT be a consumer, per se, but rather the extremely
grateful recipient of a free book.

It's not that I mind waiting a month and shelling out full price, but
having gone through hell and apparently NOT quite back again since the
publication of at LEAST Against the Day, and currently being both
homeless AND cash/credit/barter/trade/will-to-live poor.

Dave Monroe
P.O. Box 510813
Milwaukee, WI  5320

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