July 2009 Archives by date
Starting: Wed Jul 1 03:55:00 CDT 2009
Ending: Fri Jul 31 22:22:31 CDT 2009
Messages: 1577
- "Ein Heulen kommt ueber den Himmel" (please note the alliteration!)
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- Does TRP mail among us?
Heikki Raudaskoski
- "A screaming" - question to native speakers
Paul Mackin
- Does TRP mail among us?
Joe Allonby
- Does TRP mail among us?
Elaine Bell
- Does TRP mail among us?
Henry Musikar
- Does TRP mail among us?
Paul Mackin
- "A screaming" - question to native speakers
Che Molava
- Does TRP mail among us?
- Does TRP mail among us?
Robin Landseadel
- "A screaming" - question to native speakers
Paul Mackin
- "A screaming" - question to native speakers
János Székely
- "A screaming" - question to native speakers
Keith McMullen
- "A screaming" - question to native speakers
Paul Mackin
- "A screaming" - question to native speakers
Che Molava
- Does TRP mail among us?
malignd at aol.com
- A screaming
Mark Kohut
- Does TRP mail among us?
Mark Kohut
- "A screaming" - question to native speakers
malignd at aol.com
- Does TRP mail among us?
malignd at aol.com
- Does TRP mail among us?
Robin Landseadel
- Does TRP mail among us?
James Kyllo
- "A screaming" - question to native speakers
Robin Landseadel
- "A screaming" - question to native speakers
János Székely
- "A screaming" - question to native speakers
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- Does TRP mail among us?
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- Does TRP mail among us?
Heikki Raudaskoski
- CoL49: Mucho's ancestor
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- "A screaming" - question to native speakers
Paul Mackin
- Does TRP mail among us?
- Does TRP mail among us?
Robin Landseadel
- C of L49 few--mostly two-- straggling thoughts on Chap 5
David Payne
- C of L49 few--mostly two-- straggling thoughts on Chap 5
kelber at mindspring.com
- CoL49 (6)
Dave Monroe
- C of L49 few--mostly two-- straggling thoughts on Chap 5
Robin Landseadel
- CoL49 (6)
Robin Landseadel
- CoL49 (6) Summaries
Dave Monroe
- CoL49 (6) Summaries
kelber at mindspring.com
- CoL49 (6) Line, please
Dave Monroe
- CoL49 (6) Line, please
Robin Landseadel
- CoL49 (5) "She Loves You" & more
Robin Landseadel
- CoL49 (6) Line, please
Dave Monroe
- Does TRP mail among us?
malignd at aol.com
- Does TRP mail among us?
malignd at aol.com
- C of L49 few--mostly two-- straggling thoughts on Chap 5
Mark Kohut
- C of L49 few--mostly two-- straggling thoughts on Chap 5
Mark Kohut
- Top story
John Bailey
- Luc Tuymans Captures the Moment
Dave Monroe
- Luc Tuymans Captures the Moment
Henry Musikar
- Inherent Vice for technos
- Inherent Vice for technos
- Inherent Vice for technos
Paul Mackin
- Inherent Vice for technos
kelber at mindspring.com
- wonderful
- Luc Tuymans Captures the Moment
Dave Monroe
- Fwd: In which Benny Profane, a schlemihl and human yo-yo, gets to an apocheir.
Dave Monroe
- What to Read Now. And Why
Dave Monroe
- NP: NY area planetarium show
- Pynchon audio
Peter Petto
- Pynchon audio
- What to Read Now. And Why
- Reader She Bit Him
- On Declining
Henry Musikar
- “Public Enemies” too cool for its own good
Dave Monroe
- Fwd: "liberty" - Word of the Day from the OED
Dave Monroe
- Happy Independence Day!
Dave Monroe
- New book, tangentially TRP-related
Mark Kohut
- Re: “Public Enemies” too cool for its own good
Bruce Appelbaum
- Pulp downloads
Paul Di Filippo
- Music for Independence Day
Henry Musikar
- Goldman Sachs
- Alice in Wonderland redux
Daniel Julius
- Yeats on Joyce
Richard Fiero
- (tangential and vanishingly brief) Revenger's Tragedy
Michael Bailey
- Yeats on Joyce
Johnny Marr
- Days of Future Past — Part III
Dave Monroe
- Re: Days of Future Past — Part III
Robin Landseadel
- Re: Days of Future Past — Part III
Dave Monroe
- Re: Days of Future Past — Part III
Dave Monroe
- Circumstantial evidence for a Pynchon-influenced story
Mark Kohut
- Yeats on Joyce
Ian Livingston
- Yeats on Joyce
Johnny Marr
- CoL49(6): Intro
Dave Monroe
- CoL49(6): Humbert Humbert Cats
Dave Monroe
- Thomas Pynchon Chicken Joke Contest
Dave Monroe
- Voice of the Shadow dies at 99
Robin Landseadel
- Yeats on Joyce
Ian Livingston
- CoL49 (6) Winthrop Tremaine
Dave Monroe
- CoL49(6): Humbert Humbert Cats
kelber at mindspring.com
- CoL49 (6) Winthrop Tremaine
kelber at mindspring.com
- CoL49 (6) Winthrop Tremaine
Dave Monroe
- CoL49 (6) Winthrop Tremaine
Dave Monroe
- CoL49 (6) Hunting for Volkswagens
Dave Monroe
- CoL49 (6) The Historical Wharfinger
Dave Monroe
- CoL49 (6) Winthrop Tremaine
Mark Kohut
- CoL49(6): Humbert Humbert Cats
Mark Kohut
- NP: Temporal Anomalies in Time Travel Movies
kelber at mindspring.com
- CoL49(6): Humbert Humbert Cats
- Yeats on Joyce
Johnny Marr
- July 4
Mark Kohut
- Yeats on Joyce
Mark Kohut
- CoL49(6): Humbert Humbert Cats
- CoL49(6): Humbert Humbert Cats
- Consummatum est
John Bailey
- CoL49(6): Humbert Humbert Cats
Michael Bailey
- IV reviewed in Publishers Weekly
Tore Rye Andersen
- IV reviewed in Publishers Weekly
János Székely
- CoL49(6): Humbert Humbert Cats
- Bailin' Palin PoMo?
Henry Musikar
- IV reviewed in Publishers Weekly
David Morris
- NTRP: Colonies Lose a Good Thing
Henry Musikar
- Robert McNamara, requiescat in pace ...
Dave Monroe
- IV reviewed in Publishers Weekly
David Morris
- IV reviewed in Publishers Weekly
- A.Word.A.Day--defenestrate
Dave Monroe
- Col49 & 20k Leagues
David Payne
- Fwd: IV reviewed in Publishers Weekly
Dave Monroe
- Bailin' Palin PoMo?
- Robert McNamara, requiescat in pace ...
- IV reviewed in Publishers Weekly
Tore Rye Andersen
- NTRP: Colonies Lose a Good Thing
- The OTHER Inherent Vice
Dave Monroe
- IV reviewed in Publishers Weekly
Dave Monroe
- IV reviewed in Publishers Weekly
Dave Monroe
- GR question
Paul Mackin
- CoL49(6): Humbert Humbert Cats
- IV reviewed in Publishers Weekly
David Morris
- GR question
- Glancing Excursions
Dave Monroe
- CoL49(6): Humbert Humbert Cats
Dave Monroe
- shades in TRP's work
Mark Kohut
- CoL49(6): Humbert Humbert Cats
Henry Musikar
- CoL49: a language question
Anatoly Vorobey
- CoL49(6): Humbert Humbert Cats
- CoL49: a language question
James Kyllo
- Chloe from 5 to 7
- CoL49: a language question
Henry Musikar
- IV reviewed in Publishers Weekly
- Chloe from 5 to 7
Dave Monroe
- Chloe from 5 to 7
Dave Monroe
- Chloe from 5 to 7
- CoL49(6): Humbert Humbert Cats
- Glancing Excursions
Tore Rye Andersen
- CoL49(6): Humbert Humbert Cats
Michael Bailey
- GR question
David Morris
- NTRP: Colonies Lose a Good Thing
Michael Bailey
- Robert McNamara, requiescat in pace ...
Michael Bailey
- CoL49(6): Humbert Humbert Cats
Robin Landseadel
- CoL49(6): Humbert Humbert Cats
- IV reviewed in Publishers Weekly
David Payne
- Robert McNamara, requiescat in pace ...
- Glancing Excursions
János Székely
- Robert McNamara, requiescat in pace ...
Mark Kohut
- CoL49 (6)
David Payne
- CoL49(6): Humbert Humbert Cats
Heikki Raudaskoski
- Glancing Excursions
Dave Monroe
- CoL49 (5) Sidney [Genghis] Cohen
David Payne
- CoL49(6): Humbert Humbert Cats
- New Powers
Paul Di Filippo
- CoL49 (5) Sidney [Genghis] Cohen
Robin Landseadel
- Chloe from 5 to 7
Keith McMullen
- Chloe from 5 to 7
Dave Monroe
- Glancing Excursions
Paul Mackin
- New Powers
Dave Monroe
- CoL49 (5) Sidney [Genghis] Cohen
Paul Mackin
- Chloe from 5 to 7
- CoL49 (5) Sidney [Genghis] Cohen
Robin Landseadel
- New Powers
- CoL49 (5) Sidney [Genghis] Cohen
- Glancing Excursions
- Glancing Excursions
Robin Landseadel
- CoL49 (5) Sidney [Genghis] Cohen
Monte Davis
- CoL49(6): Humbert Humbert Cats
Michael Bailey
- Chloe from 5 to 7
Paul Mackin
- CoL49 (5) Sidney [Genghis] Cohen
David Payne
- Flatland
John Bailey
- CoL49 (5) Sidney [Genghis] Cohen
David Payne
- Pulp downloads
David Payne
- CoL49 (5) Sidney [Genghis] Cohen
Robin Landseadel
- CoL49 (5) Sidney [Genghis] Cohen
Tore Rye Andersen
- IV reviewed in Publishers Weekly
Carvill, John
- IV reviewed in Publishers Weekly
Tore Rye Andersen
- Advance IV copies
Dave Monroe
- IV reviewed in Publishers Weekly
David Morris
- Advance IV copies
Henry Musikar
- Pulp downloads
- GR Online
Henry Musikar
- IV reviewed in Publishers Weekly
Dave Monroe
- Does Pynchon Produce Only 'Masterworks'?
Carvill, John
- CoL49 (6) Readus Interruptus
Dave Monroe
- IV reviewed in Publishers Weekly
Tore Rye Andersen
- Media Inquiries and Review Copy Requests
Dave Monroe
- Advance IV copies
Henry Musikar
- Inherent Vice
Dave Monroe
- Advance IV copies
Dave Monroe
- Inherent Vice
Dave Monroe
- Flatland
- Does Pynchon Produce Only 'Masterworks'?
David Morris
- CoL49 (5) Sidney [Genghis] Cohen
- GR Online
Paul Mackin
- Does Pynchon Produce Only 'Masterworks'?
Carvill, John
- CoL49 (6) Readus Interruptus
- Does Pynchon Produce Only 'Masterworks'?
David Morris
- Does Pynchon Produce Only 'Masterworks'?
Carvill, John
- Does Pynchon Produce Only 'Masterworks'?
Tore Rye Andersen
- CoL49 (5) Sidney [Genghis] Cohen
mathew morseth
- That C of L49 Projection, once again...from a Guardian piece on Heidegger
Mark Kohut
- GR Online
Mark Kohut
- GR Online
Henry Musikar
- Does Pynchon Produce Only 'Masterworks'?
David Morris
- IV reviewed in Publishers Weekly
Mark Kohut
- Does Pynchon Produce Only 'Masterworks'?
Carvill, John
- CoL49 (5) Sidney [Genghis] Cohen
Robin Landseadel
- IV reviewed in Publishers Weekly
Carvill, John
- IV reviewed in Publishers Weekly
Mark Kohut
- CoL49 (5) Sidney [Genghis] Cohen
Carvill, John
- CoL49 (5) Sidney [Genghis] Cohen
Robin Landseadel
- CoL49 (5) Sidney [Genghis] Cohen
Robin Landseadel
- Inherent Vice
Dave Monroe
- CoL49 (6) Winthrop Tremaine
Dave Monroe
- NP - Looking for Calvin and Hobbes
David Morris
- Does Pynchon Produce Only 'Masterworks'?
David Morris
- CoL49 (6) Winthrop Tremaine
Mark Kohut
- Does Pynchon Produce Only 'Masterworks'?
János Székely
- GR Online
David Payne
- 12:34:56 07/08/09 (tomorrow)
David Morris
- 12:34:56 07/08/09 (tomorrow)
Henry Musikar
- Does Pynchon Produce Only 'Masterworks'?
- CoL49 (5) Sidney [Genghis] Cohen
Robin Landseadel
- IV panned by Kirkus
Henry Winkler
- IV panned by Kirkus
- IV panned by Kirkus
- IV panned by Kirkus
- IV panned by Kirkus
Robin Landseadel
- IV panned by Kirkus
David Morris
- IV panned by Kirkus
- Does Pynchon Produce Only 'Masterworks'?
Mark Kohut
- CoL49 (6) Readus Interruptus
Michael Bailey
- IV reviewed in Publishers Weekly
- Glancing Excursions
- CoL 49 p. 14
- V2
Robin Landseadel
- Fw: CoL 49 p. 14
- Fw: CoL 49 p. 14
- CoL 49 p. 14
- Does Pynchon Produce Only 'Masterworks'?
Rich Clavey
- Does Pynchon Produce Only 'Masterworks'?
John Bailey
- V2
Monte Davis
- Does Pynchon Produce Only 'Masterworks'?
Carvill, John
- Does Pynchon Produce Only 'Masterworks'?
Carvill, John
- Fw: CoL 49 p. 14
Paul Mackin
- CoL 49 p. 14
Robin Landseadel
- Piece de resistance
Dave Monroe
- CoL 49 p. 14
Paul Mackin
- CoL 49 p. 14
- Piece de resistance
Joe Allonby
- CoL 49 p. 14
- Does Pynchon Produce Only 'Masterworks'?
Paul Mackin
- Piece de resistance
- Inherent Vice
kelber at mindspring.com
- CoL 49 p. 14
Paul Mackin
- Inherent Vice
Dave Monroe
- Piece de resistance
kelber at mindspring.com
- Piece de resistance
kelber at mindspring.com
- IV Meetup--August 1st
kelber at mindspring.com
- IV Meetup--August 1st
Charles Albert
- CoL49 (6) The Invisible Field
Dave Monroe
- Alice in Wonderland/Thru looking Glass and C of L49 (tangentially)
Mark Kohut
- Alice in Wonderland/Thru looking Glass and C of L49 (tangentially)
Dave Monroe
- Alice in Wonderland/Thru looking Glass and C of L49 (tangentially)
Mark Kohut
- Sportello
- IV Meetup--August 1st
- Sportello
Robin Landseadel
- A Screaming Wins the Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest 2009
Robin Landseadel
- IV Meetup--August 1st
Keith McMullen
- Does Pynchon Produce Only 'Masterworks'?
malignd at aol.com
- Piece de resistance
malignd at aol.com
- Fwd: Announcing the Atlas Obscura
Dave Monroe
- Sportello
Dave Monroe
- IV Meetup--August 1st
Monte Davis
- Jeez Louise
Carvill John
- Jeez Louise
Robin Landseadel
- Jeez Louise
Dave Monroe
- Jeez Louise
Chris Holden
- Does Pynchon Produce Only 'Masterworks'?
Dave Monroe
- Jeez Louise
Dave Monroe
- CoL49 (6) Scurvhamites
Dave Monroe
- Allegoria Paranoia
Dave Monroe
- The Sacred, the Profane, and The Crying of Lot 49
Dave Monroe
- The Postmodern Labyrinths of Lot 49
Dave Monroe
- Contemporary Novelists, 6th ed.
Dave Monroe
- CoL49 (d) Diocletian Bliobb
Dave Monroe
- Contemporary Novelists, 6th ed.
Robin Landseadel
- Jeez Louise
malignd at aol.com
- Contemporary Novelists, 6th ed.
Dave Monroe
- CoL49 (d) Diocletian Bliobb
Dave Monroe
- Jeez Louise
malignd at aol.com
- Jeez Louise
Dave Monroe
- CoL 49 p. 14
- A Screaming Wins the Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest 2009
- A Screaming Wins the Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest 2009
John Bailey
- Announcing the Atlas Obscura
- CoL 49 p. 14
Paul Mackin
- Jeez Louise
- CoL 49 p. 14
- Jeez Louise
Kevin Dunn
- CoL 49 p. 14
- Fwd: CoL 49 p. 14
Kevin Dunn
- CoL 49 p. 14
- CoL 49 p. 14
David Payne
- NP: Wal-Mart's Twitter Account Comes with 3,379-word Terms of Use Agreement
David Payne
- Bailin' Palin PoMo?
David Payne
- CoL 49 p. 14
Robin Landseadel
- Jeez Louise
Robin Landseadel
- Jeez Louise
- Contemporary Novelists, 6th ed.
Ian Livingston
- Does Pynchon Produce Only 'Masterworks'?
Rich Clavey
- Contemporary Novelists, 6th ed.
David Payne
- Does Pynchon Produce Only 'Masterworks'?
- Inherent Vice
Joseph Tracy
- Pynchon idolatry
Carvill John
- MalignD, we Salute YOU
Carvill John
- MalignD, we Salute YOU
Joe Varo
- Does Pynchon Produce Only 'Masterworks'?
David Morris
- Toiletship?
Dave Monroe
- Inherent Vice
Dave Monroe
- CoL49 (6) okay, let's try this again ...
Dave Monroe
- Losing My Rag
Carvill John
- CoL49 (6) Diocletian Blobb
Dave Monroe
- Losing My Rag
John Bailey
- CoL49 (6) Readus Interruptus
Elaine Bell
- CoL49 (6) His Constant Theme
Dave Monroe
- Losing My Rag
Michael Bailey
- Inherent Vice (4 stars)
Dave Monroe
- Pynchon e Yoghi, monologo con Professore e ciliegie
Dave Monroe
- Inherent Vice (4 stars)
kelber at mindspring.com
- Noir Classics
Ya Sam
- Jeez Louise
David Morris
- COL49 - 6 - the crying
kelber at mindspring.com
- Losing My Rag
Tore Rye Andersen
- Losing My Rag
Carvill John
- Losing My Rag
Carvill John
- Losing My Rag
Paul Mackin
- Losing My Rag
Carvill John
- Jeez Louise
Josiah Miller
- Noir Classics
Paul Mackin
- Re. Noir Classics
Carvill John
- Losing My Rag
David Morris
- Re. Noir Classics
kelber at mindspring.com
- CoL49 (6) The Proclamation of 9th Frimaire, An III
Dave Monroe
- Re. Noir Classics
Joseph Stafura
- Noir Classics
Robin Landseadel
- Inherent Vice (4 stars)
- Inherent Vice (4 stars)
John Bailey
- Inherent Vice
Robin Landseadel
- Inherent Vice (4 stars)
Robin Landseadel
- Inherent Vice (4 stars)
Henry Musikar
- Noir Classics
- Inherent Vice
Henry Musikar
- Noir Classics
Robin Landseadel
- Noir Classics
- Noir Classics
Henry Musikar
- MalignD, we Salute YOU
Robin Landseadel
- CoL49 (d) Diocletian Bliobb
- CoL 49 p. 14
Paul Mackin
- Losing My Rag
Paul Mackin
- Jeez Louise
Paul Mackin
- Jeez Louise
Paul Mackin
- Losing My Rag
Robin Landseadel
- Jeez Louise
Robin Landseadel
- Jeez Louise
Robin Landseadel
- Losing My Rag
Dave Monroe
- Inherent Vice (4 stars)
Dave Monroe
- Noir Classics
Ya Sam
- Inherent Vice (4 stars)
Dave Monroe
- Jeez Louise
Josiah Miller
- NP - A Genome Wager
David Morris
- Jeez Louise
Robin Landseadel
- Losing My Rag
Paul Mackin
- Losing My Rag
Dave Monroe
- Jeez Louise
Dave Monroe
- MalignD, we Salute YOU
David Morris
- Losing My Rag
Dave Monroe
- The lost postmodrenist: Joseph McElroy
Dave Monroe
- Noir Classics
David Morris
- Inherent Vice (4 stars)
Paul Mackin
- Jeez Louise
David Morris
- MalignD, we Salute YOU
Keith McMullen
- Jeez Louise
Paul Mackin
- Jeez Louise
Keith McMullen
- Noir Classics
Dave Monroe
- Jeez Louise
Dave Monroe
- MalignD, we Salute YOU
Dave Monroe
- Noir Classics
David Morris
- Losing My Rag
Paul Mackin
- The lost postmodrenist: Joseph McElroy
- Kirkus review of Imperial
Ya Sam
- Noir Classics
Dave Monroe
- The lost postmodrenist: Joseph McElroy
Ya Sam
- Losing My Rag
Dave Monroe
- Jeez Louise
Josiah Miller
- Noir Classics
Dave Monroe
- Kirkus review of Imperial
Josiah Miller
- Noir Classics
David Morris
- Noir Classics
Dave Monroe
- Kirkus review of Imperial
James Kyllo
- Noir Classics
David Morris
- Noir Classics
Robin Landseadel
- Noir Classics
David Morris
- Losing My Rag
Paul Mackin
- Losing My Rag
kelber at mindspring.com
- Noir Classics
Dave Monroe
- NP: Wal-Mart's Twitter Account Comes with 3,379-word Terms of Use Agreement
Daniel Julius
- Noir Classics
Robin Landseadel
- Losing My Rag
Josiah Miller
- Noir Classics
David Morris
- CoL49 (6) Diocletian Blobb
Dave Monroe
- Losing My Rag
Robin Landseadel
- Noir Classics
Paul Mackin
- Noir Classics
Dave Monroe
- Noir Classics
Dave Monroe
- Noir Classics
Dave Monroe
- Losing My Rag
- Losing My Rag
Robin Landseadel
- IV Meetup--August 1st
- Speaking of Marguerite Young
- Nick Cave
- IV Meetup--August 1st
- Losing My Rag
- Losing My Rag
Robin Landseadel
- Nick Cave
John Bailey
- MalignD, we Salute YOU
Charles Albert
- Zak Smith: We Did Porn
Dave Monroe
- Nick Cave
Dave Monroe
- Probably NP: Sarah Palin Summons Forces of Evil
Robin Landseadel
- Nick Cave
James Kyllo
- Noir Classics
Carvill, John
- Nick Cave
János Székely
- Nick Cave
János Székely
- Nick Cave
- Revisiting a decades-old search for Thomas Pynchon
Dave Monroe
- Literary thoughts
Dave Monroe
- Happy Birthday, Nikola Tesla!
Dave Monroe
- Nick Cave
Josiah Miller
- Nick Cave
David Morris
- Google and Tesla
- Revisiting a decades-old search for Thomas Pynchon
Henry Musikar
- CoL49 (6) Scurvhamites
Mark Kohut
- Re. Noir Classics
Elaine Bell
- CoL49 (d) Diocletian Bliobb
Mark Kohut
- Nick Cave
- Contemporary Novelists, 6th ed.
Mark Kohut
- Nick Cave
- Contemporary Novelists, 6th ed.
Henry Musikar
Henry Musikar
- Nick Cave
kelber at mindspring.com
- paranoia ( Contemporary Novelists, 6th ed.)
kelber at mindspring.com
- paranoia ( Contemporary Novelists, 6th ed.)
- Nick Cave
Henry Winkler
- Nick Cave
- Nick Cave
David Morris
- C of L 49: "That's how it is..most of the time."
Mark Kohut
- Noir Classics
Mark Kohut
- Nick Cave
- Contemporary Novelists, 6th ed. (paranoia)
Mike Beiderbecke
- Contemporary Novelists, 6th ed. (paranoia)
Henry Musikar
- C of L 49:
kelber at mindspring.com
- Ultimate judging contest; or, fanguys vs. 'the best that has been thought and said"
Mark Kohut
- My couple-three cents on the Lew Basnight in AtD discussion
Mark Kohut
- Contemporary Novelists, 6th ed. (paranoia)
kelber at mindspring.com
- C of L 49:
Mark Kohut
- Once more on "masterworks", how many, which
Mark Kohut
- Once more on "masterworks", how many, which
- this dude will review IV for Slate Apparently
- this dude will review IV for Slate Apparently
Mark Kohut
- this dude will review IV for Slate Apparently
Tara Brady
- C of L 49:
Paul Mackin
- Why do Pynchon, Ballard and Wallace provoke such online loyalty?
Henry Musikar
- Why do Pynchon, Ballard and Wallace provoke such online loyalty?
Robin Landseadel
- Why do Pynchon, Ballard and Wallace provoke such online loyalty?
Henry Musikar
- paranoia ( Contemporary Novelists, 6th ed.)
Mark Kohut
- P/NP? tidbit learned 'cause of Alice books
Mark Kohut
- C of L49 continuity error?
Mark Kohut
- honour is a name......
Mark Kohut
- C of L49 continuity error?
Paul Mackin
- honour is a name......PAGE 813 AtD
Mark Kohut
- C of L49 continuity error?
Robin Landseadel
- P/NP? tidbit learned 'cause of Alice books
Paul Mackin
- P/NP? tidbit learned 'cause of Alice books
Robin Landseadel
- P/NP? tidbit learned 'cause of Alice books
- P/NP? tidbit learned 'cause of Alice books
Robin Landseadel
- P/NP? tidbit learned 'cause of Alice books
Charles Albert
- Ladies and germs, Summer '09 Status Galleys!
Robin Landseadel
- this dude will review IV for Slate Apparently
Dave Monroe
- P/NP? tidbit learned 'cause of Alice books
Paul Mackin
- Why do Pynchon, Ballard and Wallace provoke such online loyalty?
Dave Monroe
- CoL49 (6) His Constant Theme
Robin Landseadel
- CoL49 (6) His Constant Theme
Richard Fiero
- CoL49 (6) His Constant Theme
Michael Bailey
- CoL49 (6) His Constant Theme
Dave Monroe
- CoL49 (6) Either ... or ...
Dave Monroe
- CoL 49: Loose, Disconnected Thoughts
Robin Landseadel
- CoL49 (6) Leery of What She Might Find
Dave Monroe
- The Ends of Legal Fetishism
Dave Monroe
- CoL49 (6) What She was Pregnant with
Dave Monroe
- Postmodern Philosophy and Christian Thought
Dave Monroe
- Col 49: Emory Bortz
János Székely
- CoL49 (6) Their Entire Emphasis
Dave Monroe
- C of L 49: "That's how it is..most of the time."
Rob Jackson
- The lost postmodrenist: Joseph McElroy
Monte Davis
- Misc. on AtD history
Mark Kohut
- C of L 49:
Monte Davis
- CoL49 (6) Either ... or ...
kelber at mindspring.com
- C of L 49:
kelber at mindspring.com
- this dude will review IV for Slate Apparently
Monte Davis
- CoL49 (6) Either ... or ...
Dave Monroe
- CoL49 (6) Either ... or ...
kelber at mindspring.com
- CoL49 (6) Either ... or ...
Dave Monroe
- this dude will review IV for Slate Apparently
Henry Musikar
- CoL49 (6) Either ... or ...
Paul Mackin
- Misc. on AtD history
- CoL49 (6) Either ... or ...
Robin Landseadel
- CoL49 (6) Either ... or ...
Mark Kohut
- C of L 49:
Mark Kohut
- Fwd: The Pynchon List Reading Group is famous (again)
Mark Kohut
- "Mad Dog" Bertie (from AtD) on 'excluded middles' and more
Mark Kohut
- Fw: News Alert: Cheney Is Linked to C.I.A. Concealment of Terror Program
Mark Kohut
- News Alert: Cheney Is Linked to C.I.A. Concealment of Terror Program
Monte Davis
- CoL49 (6) Either ... or ...
Robin Landseadel
- CoL49 (6) Either ... or ...
Paul Mackin
- ukelele sighting
Peter Petto
- CoL49 (d) Diocletian Bliobb
Dave Monroe
- CoL49 (6) Either ... or ...
Dave Monroe
- CoL49 (6) Either ... or ...
Dave Monroe
- CoL49 (6) Either ... or ...
Paul Mackin
- CoL49 (6) Either ... or ...
Robin Landseadel
- CoL49 (6) Either ... or ...
Robin Landseadel
- P/NP? tidbit learned 'cause of Alice books
Paul Mackin
- CoL49 (6) Leery of What She Might Find
David Payne
- CoL 49: Operation Bluebird
Robin Landseadel
- CoL49 (6) What She was Pregnant with
David Payne
- CoL49 (6) Either ... or ...
Richard Fiero
- CoL49 (6) What She was Pregnant with
Robin Landseadel
- P/NP? tidbit learned 'cause of Alice books
Rich Clavey
- CoL49 (6) Either ... or ...
Michael Bailey
- this dude will review IV for Slate Apparently
Michael Bailey
- P/NP? tidbit learned 'cause of Alice books
Charles Albert
- NP - The Great Pacific Garbage Patch
John Bailey
- NP - The Great Pacific Garbage Patch
Ian Livingston
- CoL49 (6) Either ... or ...
Henry Musikar
- News Alert: Cheney Is Linked to C.I.A. Concealment of Terror Program
Mark Kohut
- CoL49 (6) Either ... or ...
Dave Monroe
- CoL49 (6) Either ... or ...
Robin Landseadel
- CoL49 (6) What She was Pregnant with
Dave Monroe
- Even Pynch couldn't makes this stuff up
- OK Computer vs. The Crying of Lot 49
Dave Monroe
- CoL49 (6) Pierce Inverarity was Really Dead
Dave Monroe
- After Tragedy: The Thomas Pynchon Scratchpad
Dave Monroe
- CoL49 (6) If Only She'd Looked
Dave Monroe
- Law, History and the Subversion of Postwar America ...
Dave Monroe
- Fw: Re: CoL49 (6) What She was Pregnant with
Mark Kohut
- CoL49 (6) What She was Pregnant with
Robin Landseadel
- from the terrif article Dave M. just sent on C of L49
Mark Kohut
- from the terrif article Dave M. just sent on C of L49
Dave Monroe
- IV: More Prep Material
- from the terrif article Dave M. just sent on C of L49
Robin Landseadel
- CoL49 (6) Passerine
Dave Monroe
- from the terrif article Dave M. just sent on C of L49
Robin Landseadel
- CoL49 (6) Intermission
Dave Monroe
- CoL49 (6) Either ... or ...
Mark Kohut
- NP - Looking for Calvin and Hobbes
Joe Allonby
- Losing My Rag
Joe Allonby
- Tinfoil hat wearers unite!
- Losing My Rag
Charles Albert
- Losing My Rag
- CoL49 (6) Intermission
Robin Landseadel
- CoL49 (6) Intermission
Robin Landseadel
- List Nanny Freaks Out
Robin Landseadel
- Losing My Rag
Charles Albert
- Tinfoil hat retexted
Edward A Moore
- remote control monkey pics
edmoorester at gmail.com
- After Tragedy: The Thomas Pynchon Scratchpad
Richard Fiero
- C of L 49: "That's how it is..most of the time."
Rob Jackson
- CoL49 (6) What She was Pregnant with
David Payne
- C of L49 continuity error?
David Payne
- C of L49 continuity error [s]?
Robin Landseadel
- CoL49 (6) Either ... or ...
David Payne
- Atdtda31: Prince/apparition, 864-869
Paul Nightingale
- CoL49 (6) Passerine
David Payne
- CoL49 (6) Passerine
John Bailey
- CoL49 (6) Passerine
Robin Landseadel
- CoL49 (6) Passerine
Monte Davis
- (np) better than acid
Michael Bailey
- C of L 49: "That's how it is..most of the time."
Campbel Morgan
- (np) better than acid
Henry Musikar
- CoL49 (6) Passerine
Mark Kohut
- CoL49 (6) Passerine
Dave Monroe
- Thomas Pynchon to release new novel in August
Dave Monroe
- Who goes there?
Dave Monroe
- Paging David Morris ...
Dave Monroe
- Quote of the Day
Dave Monroe
- Thomas Pynchon to release new novel in August
Mark Kohut
- C of L 49: "That's how it is..most of the time."
Paul Mackin
- Preparing the IV
Robin Landseadel
- CoL49 (6) What She was Pregnant with
kelber at mindspring.com
- Atdtda31: Prince/apparition, 864-869
Dave Monroe
- CoL49 (6) What She was Pregnant with
Mark Kohut
- CoL49 (6) What She was Pregnant with
Dave Monroe
- Preparing the IV
- C of L49, that ending...is the "As If" a notional cousin of the excluded middle?
markekohut at yahoo.com
- C of L49, that ending of uncertainty; more uncertainty
markekohut at yahoo.com
- C of L49, that ending...is the "As If" a notional cousin of the excluded middle?
Paul Mackin
- C of L49...Misc. muteness was in the 60s air?
Mark Kohut
- C of L49, that ending...is the "As If" a notional cousin of the excluded middle?
Paul Mackin
- Five books to read before The Lost Symbol
Robin Landseadel
- C of L49, that ending...is the "As If" a notional cousin of the excluded middle?
Dave Monroe
Robin Landseadel
- Quote of the Day
Joe Allonby
- Thomas Pynchon to release new novel in August
Joe Allonby
- CoL49 (6) What She was Pregnant with
Rob Jackson
- Charles Hollander Would Approve
Robin Landseadel
- Preparing the IV
Robin Landseadel
- CoL49 (6) What She was Pregnant with
kelber at mindspring.com
- CoL49 (6) What She was Pregnant with
Robin Landseadel
- C of L 49: "That's how it is..most of the time."
Rob Jackson
- Preparing the IV
Richard Fiero
Isaac Swiddle
- Preparing the IV
John Bailey
- Playlist Addition
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- Li'l IV Excerpt
Henry Winkler
- Li'l IV Excerpt
eojorav at gmail.com
- Li'l IV Excerpt
David Kipen
- Li'l IV Excerpt
Ya Sam
- Five books to read before The Lost Symbol
Dave Monroe
- CoL49 (6) Hostus interruptus
Dave Monroe
- Mozart: Freimaurermusik
- CoL49 (6) Hostus interruptus
Robin Landseadel
- Mozart: Freimaurermusik
Robin Landseadel
- Five books to read before The Lost Symbol
Josiah Miller
- Five books to read before The Lost Symbol
David Morris
- Five books to read before The Lost Symbol
Robin Landseadel
- Five books to read before The Lost Symbol
Henry Musikar
- CoL49 (6) Hostus interruptus
kelber at mindspring.com
- Five books to read before The Lost Symbol
David Morris
- Li'l IV Excerpt
- C of L 49: "That's how it is..most of the time."
Campbel Morgan
- C of L 49: "That's how it is..most of the time."
Robin Landseadel
- C of L 49:
kelber at mindspring.com
- C of L 49:
Robin Landseadel
- C of L 49: "That's how it is..most of the time."
Paul Mackin
- C of L 49: "That's how it is..most of the time."
Paul Mackin
- C of L 49:
Paul Mackin
- C of L 49: "That's how it is..most of the time."
Campbel Morgan
- CoL49 [5/6]: IA
Robin Landseadel
- C of L 49:
Robin Landseadel
- C of L 49: "That's how it is..most of the time."
Robin Landseadel
- C of L 49: "That's how it is..most of the time."
Campbel Morgan
- C of L 49: "That's how it is..most of the time."
Robin Landseadel
- C of L 49:
Michael Bailey
- Preparing the IV
Peter Petto
- AtD-related: Pynchon mention in a journalistic study on the global police-state
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- Preparing the IV
Robin Landseadel
- Wernher von Braun: Der Raketenmann
- C of L 49: "That's how it is..most of the time."
Rob Jackson
- C of L 49: "That's how it is..most of the time."
Robin Landseadel
- C of L 49: "That's how it is..most of the time."
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- C of L 49: "That's how it is..most of the time."
Robin Landseadel
- NP: Speaking of Cleo
- NP: Speaking of Cleo
- Li'l IV Excerpt
Robin Landseadel
- Preparing the IV
Robin Landseadel
- Thomas Pynchon, in pastel neon
Robin Landseadel
- Thomas Pynchon, in pastel neon
David Payne
- I invent cheer
David Payne
- Thomas Pynchon, in pastel neon
Robin Landseadel
- Preparing the IV
Jim Gilbert
- Thomas Pynchon, in pastel neon
David Morris
- Preparing the IV
Henry Musikar
- Preparing the IV
Robin Landseadel
- Thomas Pynchon, in pastel neon
John Bailey
- Atdtda31: You're alive, 869-871
Paul Nightingale
- [nrp] Marx and Montage (is: Jameson on Kluge)
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- C of L 49: "That's how it is..most of the time."
Mark Kohut
- C of L 49: "That's how it is..most of the time."
Mark Kohut
- C of L 49: "That's how it is..most of the time."
Robin Landseadel
- IV available now from UK?
Henry Winkler
- List Nanny apologizes
Robin Landseadel
- Preparing the IV
Robin Landseadel
- Preparing the IV
Robin Landseadel
- IV Blog Teaser
- IV available today in UK?
Henry Winkler
- Preparing the IV
Robin Landseadel
- IV available today in UK?
Robin Landseadel
- IV Blog Teaser
David Morris
- IV Blog Teaser
Ya Sam
- IV Blog Teaser
Robin Landseadel
- Another Fanboy
Robin Landseadel
- Mauviene and Prekin's Green
Robin Landseadel
- Singing Dunes
Henry Musikar
- Preparing the IV
- Preparing the IV
Henry Musikar
- Preparing the IV - Seattle Seven
Michael Bailey
- IV Blog Teaser
- IV Blog Teaser
John Bailey
- Re. IV Blog Teaser
Carvill, John
- Another Fanboy
Michael Bailey
- IV Blog Teaser
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- Quote of the Day (was: Another Fanboy)
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- IV Blog Teaser
John Bailey
- IV - Please Don't Rush To Judgement
Carvill, John
- IV - Please Don't Rush To Judgement
Henry Musikar
- IV - Please Don't Rush To Judgement
Michael Bailey
- Np: Rant of the Day
Robin Landseadel
- Preparing the IV
- Re: Preparing the IV—last round
Robin Landseadel
- IV - Please Don't Rush To Judgement
Heikki Raudaskoski
- IV - Please Don't Rush To Judgement
Heikki Raudaskoski
- IV - Please Don't Rush To Judgement
- IV - Please Don't Rush To Judgement
Robin Landseadel
- IV Blog Teaser
- Np: Rant of the Day
- IV Blog Teaser
David Morris
- Np: Rant of the Day
Henry Musikar
- Playlist Addition
Robin Landseadel
- Np: Rant of the Day
David Morris
- Np: Rant of the Day
Robin Landseadel
- IV - Please Don't Rush To Judgement
Carvill John
- Playlist Addition
- IV - Please Don't Rush To Judgement
Robin Landseadel
- pomo 61
Peter Petto
- IV - Please Don't Rush To Judgement
Paul Mackin
- IV - Please Don't Rush To Judgement
David Morris
- IV - Please Don't Rush To Judgement
- Preparing the IV - Seattle Seven
- IV - Please Don't Rush To Judgement
Carvill John
- IV - Please Don't Rush To Judgement
Robin Landseadel
- Another Fanboy
- IV - Please Don't Rush To Judgement
Robin Landseadel
- Salman Dinner
Henry Musikar
- IV - Please Don't Rush To Judgement
Paul Mackin
- IV available today in UK?
Mark Kohut
- IV Blog Teaser
Mark Kohut
- IV Blog Teaser
Robin Landseadel
- HJ "The Art of Fiction"
Campbel Morgan
- Preparing the IV - Seattle Seven
Michael Bailey
- Np: Rant of the Day
Michael Bailey
- Preparing the IV - Seattle Seven
Robin Landseadel
- IV - aaagh
- Np: Rant of the Day
Paul Mackin
- IV - aaagh
Mark Kohut
- IV - Please Don't Rush To Judgement
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- IV - Please Don't Rush To Judgement
Carvill John
- IV - aaagh - Kindle disappearance
Peter Petto
- pomo 61, Muriel Spaark
M Farcas
- The IV rush: Blog teaser....
Mark Kohut
- Playlist Addition—Rainbow Bridge
Robin Landseadel
- IV - aaagh - Kindle disappearance
- Preparing the IV - Seattle Seven
- Fw: Re: IV - aaagh - Kindle disappearance
Mark Kohut
- Amazon Erases Orwell From Kindle Devices
Robin Landseadel
- No subject
kelber at mindspring.com
- Reefer
Robin Landseadel
- Preparing the IV - Seattle Seven
Michael Bailey
- Preparing the IV - Seattle Seven
Robin Landseadel
- Preparing the IV - Seattle Seven
Henry Musikar
- Preparing the IV - Seattle Seven
Robin Landseadel
- Preparing the IV - Seattle Seven
- Preparing the IV - Seattle Seven
Robin Landseadel
- GR precis in Beowulf on the Beach
Peter Petto
- IV - aaagh - Kindle disappearance
Peter Petto
- Preparing the IV - Seattle Seven
Henry Musikar
- Rush to Judgement . . . HJ "The Art of Fiction" Authors must be Free to Fall
Campbel Morgan
- Preparing the IV - Seattle Seven
Robin Landseadel
- Preparing the IV - Seattle Seven
Paul Mackin
- Rush to Judgement . . . HJ "The Art of Fiction" Authors must be Free to Fall
Henry Musikar
- NP: Book Art
Henry Musikar
- Anecdotes for the Pynchomane
János Székely
- After Midnight
Henry Musikar
- Preparing the IV
- Studying the Pynchon/apocalyptic fiction junction
Daniel Cape
- Rush to Judgement . . . HJ "The Art of Fiction" Authors must be Free to Fall
Mark Kohut
- Modernism Vs. Postmodernism pt 1: The Crying of Lot 49
Robin Landseadel
- Rush to Judgement . . . HJ "The Art of Fiction" Authors must be Free to Fall
Michael Bailey
- HJ "The Art of Fiction"
Michael Bailey
- IV reviewed on the BBC
Spencer Thompson
- HJ "The Art of Fiction"
Mark Kohut
- NP: nice line of the morning........
Mark Kohut
- Rush to Judgement . . . HJ "The Art of Fiction" Authors must be Free to Fall
Mark Kohut
- HJ "The Art of Fiction"
Michael Bailey
- We Come and Go As We Please
Henry Musikar
- Modernism Vs. Postmodernism pt 1: The Crying of Lot 49
Campbel Morgan
- HJ "The Art of Fiction"
Campbel Morgan
- Preparing the IV
Carvill, John
- GR precis in Beowulf on the Beach
Richard Romeo
- Rush to Judgement . . . HJ "The Art of Fiction" Authors must be Free to Fall
Richard Romeo
- Rush to Judgement . . . HJ "The Art of Fiction" Authors must be Free to Fall
Carvill, John
- IV reviewed on the BBC
David Morris
- The IV rush: Blog teaser....
Mark Kohut
- HJ "The Art of Fiction"
Mark Kohut
- Preparing the IV
Robin Landseadel
- Forgotten Pynchon Article
posthorn at gmail.com
- Forgotten Pynchon Article
Henry Musikar
- Forgotten Pynchon Article
David Payne
- Forgotten Pynchon Article
Robin Landseadel
- Forgotten Pynchon Article
kelber at mindspring.com
- Forgotten Pynchon Article
Robin Landseadel
- IV reviewed on the BBC
Carvill John
- Studying the Pynchon/apocalyptic fiction junction
Daniel Cape
- Studying the Pynchon/apocalyptic fiction junction
Campbel Morgan
- pynchon-l-digest V2 #6941
Doug Millison
- The Unofficial Thomas Pynchon Guide to Los Angeles
Robin Landseadel
- The Unofficial Thomas Pynchon Guide to Los Angeles
- The Unofficial Thomas Pynchon Guide to Los Angeles
Rich Clavey
- Help Publishing a Review of Inherent Vice?
Carvill John
- The Unofficial Thomas Pynchon Guide to Los Angeles
Carvill, John
- The Unofficial Thomas Pynchon Guide to Los Angeles
John Bailey
- Pynchon Character Names
John Bailey
- Studying the Pynchon/apocalyptic fiction junction
Daniel Cape
- Studying the Pynchon/apocalyptic fiction junction
Carvill, John
- Studying the Pynchon/apocalyptic fiction junction
Daniel Cape
- Pynchon Character Names
Campbel Morgan
- Pynchon Character Names
Carvill, John
- Postmodern Aparcantic Novels
Henry Musikar
- Postmodern Aparcantic Novels
Robin Landseadel
- Pynchon Character Names
Mark Kohut
- Pynchon Character Names
Mark Kohut
- BlogCritics Review of Inherent Vice
Carvill, John
- AtD/GR-related: Tarot "as Eliphaz Levi advised us" (Stone Junction blurb)
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- BlogCritics Review of Inherent Vice
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- BlogCritics Review of Inherent Vice
Campbel Morgan
- BlogCritics Review of Inherent Vice
Robin Landseadel
- BlogCritics Review of Inherent Vice
David Morris
- BlogCritics Review of Inherent Vice
David Morris
- BlogCritics Review of Inherent Vice
Robert Mahnke
- IV---Just sayin'
Mark Kohut
- IV---Just sayin'
Robin Landseadel
- Pynchon Character Names
Mark Kohut
- Pynchon Character Names
Dave Monroe
- 'nother tidbit of opinion on HJ in AtD (which contains everything)
Mark Kohut
- IV = IV
Dave Monroe
- BlogCritics Review of Inherent Vice
Richard Romeo
- BlogCritics Review of Inherent Vice
Campbel Morgan
- Vollmann - Imperial
Bruce Appelbaum
- Our New Deathkingdom
Dave Monroe
- Our New Deathkingdom
Dave Monroe
- Charges Against Henry Louis Gates Dropped
Dave Monroe
- BlogCritics Review of Inherent Vice
Paul Mackin
- Pynchon Character Names
Paul Mackin
- IV = IV
Robin Landseadel
- GR: D-IX and Pervitin
Robin Landseadel
- HJ "The Art of Fiction"
- Pynchon Character Names
Paul Mackin
- Atdtda31: Appropriate formulae, 871-872
Paul Nightingale
- BlogCritics Review of Inherent Vice
Carvill, John
- Vineland, 384
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- Our New Deathkingdom
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- HJ "The Art of Fiction"
Campbel Morgan
- HJ "The Art of Fiction"
John Bailey
- a bit on an aspect of electricty in Pynchon
Mark Kohut
- Preparing the IV
Carvill, John
- IV = IV
Dave Monroe
- an opinion on TRP and HJ
Mark Kohut
- Pynchon Character Names
Dave Monroe
- Preparing the IV
Robin Landseadel
- IV = IV
Carvill, John
- Pynchon Character Names
Robin Landseadel
- The Unified Field Theory of Late Pynchon, first draft
David Kipen
- Charges Against Henry Louis Gates Dropped
Dave Monroe
- Pynchon Character Names
Dave Monroe
- IV = IV
Robin Landseadel
- Preparing the IV
Robin Landseadel
- Approaches to Teaching Pynchon's The Crying of Lot 49 and Other Works
Dave Monroe
- BlogCritics Review of Inherent Vice
Paul Mackin
- The Unified Field Theory of Late Pynchon, first draft
Carvill, John
- The Dude Imbibes
Dave Monroe
- The Dude Imbibes
Dave Monroe
- Preparing the IV
Carvill, John
- The Unified Field Theory of Late Pynchon, first draft
Robin Landseadel
- Motorman's Glove...
David Kipen
- an opinion on TRP and HJ
Dave Monroe
- pynchon-l-digest V2 #6944
Doug Millison
- The Unified Field Theory of Late Pynchon, first draft
Mark Kohut
- an opinion on TRP and HJ
Mark Kohut
- pynchon-l-digest V2 #6944
kelber at mindspring.com
- an opinion on TRP and HJ
Dave Monroe
- No subject
Mark Kohut
- Motorman's Glove...
Robin Landseadel
- Preparing the IV
Robin Landseadel
- an opinion on TRP and HJ
Mark Kohut
- Pynchon & dogs 'R us
Mark Kohut
- Hey, Look at All These Novels to Read!
Robin Landseadel
- an opinion on TRP and HJ
Dave Monroe
- The Unified Field Theory of Late Pynchon, first draft
Carvill John
- Modernism v. Postmodernism part one: The Crying of Lot 49
Dave Monroe
- Modernism Vs. Postmodernism pt 1: The Crying of Lot 49
Dave Monroe
- Pynchon Character Names
Paul Mackin
- The Unified Field Theory of Late Pynchon, first draft
Mark Kohut
- Misc. pynchon-relevant stuff "learned' while learning other stuff
Mark Kohut
- Misc. pynchon-relevant stuff "learned' while learning other stuff
Robin Landseadel
- The Unified Field Theory of Late Pynchon, first draft
Mark Kohut
- The Unified Field Theory of Late Pynchon, first draft
Carvill John
- The Unified Field Theory of Late Pynchon, first draft
kelber at mindspring.com
- Playboy reviews Inherent Vice & more!
Robin Landseadel
- James goes to the dogs
Doug Millison
- an opinion on TRP and HJ
Campbel Morgan
- trp biz
Doug Millison
- an opinion on TRP and HJ
Paul Mackin
- trp biz
Robin Landseadel
- James goes to the dogs
Michael Bailey
- Trailer for Burton's Alice in Wonderland
David Morris
- Pynchon Earning Out
Jim Gilbert
- trp biz
kelber at mindspring.com
- Pynchon Earning Out
Carvill John
- Pynchon Earning Out
Robert Mahnke
- trp biz
Michael Bailey
- Trailer for Burton's Alice in Wonderland
Carvill, John
- trp biz/earning out
Carvill, John
- James goes to the dogs
Mark Kohut
- James goes to the dogs
Mark Kohut
- James goes to the dogs
Carvill, John
- James goes to the dogs
Campbel Morgan
- James goes to the dogs
Mark Kohut
- trp biz/earning out
David Morris
- James goes to the dogs
Carvill, John
- trp biz
Robin Landseadel
- P-related, just found, Dogs "R Us
Mark Kohut
- Atdtda31: Shock of waking, 872
Paul Nightingale
- James goes to the dogs
Carvill, John
- The Golden Fang
Dave Monroe
- Seeking John Dillinger's preserved privates
David Morris
- The Golden Fang
Robin Landseadel
- James goes to the dogs
Robin Landseadel
- Prepping the IV
Robin Landseadel
- The Golden Fang
Clément Lévy
- James goes to the dogs
Dave Monroe
- James goes to the dogs
Dave Monroe
- The Golden Fang
János Székely
- Vicewatch
Dave Monroe
- The Golden Fang
Dave Monroe
- James goes to the dogs
Robin Landseadel
- The Golden Fang
Robin Landseadel
- Vicewatch
Dave Monroe
- CoL49 (6) The Crying of Lot 49
Dave Monroe
- James goes to the dogs
Michael Bailey
- CoL49 (6) The Crying of Lot 49
Paul Nightingale
- CoL49 (6) The Crying of Lot 49
Robin Landseadel
- an opinion on TRP and HJ
Michael Bailey
- James goes to the dogs
Paul Mackin
- an opinion on TRP and HJ
Robin Landseadel
- Does the Broken Estate Have a Heart?
Campbel Morgan
- James goes to the dogs
Paul Mackin
- Does the Broken Estate Have a Heart?
Robin Landseadel
- an opinion on TRP and HJ
- Does the Broken Estate Have a Heart?
Campbel Morgan
- an opinion on TRP and HJ
- an opinion on TRP and HJ
- The Unified Field Theory of Late Pynchon, first draft
- The Unified Field Theory of Late Pynchon, first draft
David Morris
- an opinion on TRP and HJ
- The Unified Field Theory of Late Pynchon, first draft
- trp biz/earning out
ruudsaurins at aol.com
- Does the Broken Estate Have a Heart?
Robin Landseadel
- an opinion on TRP and HJ
Robin Landseadel
- Does the Broken Estate Have a Heart?
Robin Landseadel
- trp biz/earning out
Robin Landseadel
- Does the Broken Estate Have a Heart?
Paul Mackin
- Does the Broken Estate Have a Heart?
Campbel Morgan
- Does the Broken Estate Have a Heart?
Michael Bailey
- Wireless power system shown off
Dave Monroe
- an opinion on TRP and HJ
- Improbable Movie Trading Cards
Dave Monroe
- Does the Broken Estate Have a Heart?
Robin Landseadel
- V. help and disscusion
Jordan Hunnicutt
- V. help and disscusion
John Bailey
- V. help and disscusion
Dave Monroe
- IV soundtrack
Rich Clavey
- Does the Broken Estate Have a Heart?
Carvill, John
- Hitler's War
Dave Monroe
- Hitler's War
Dave Monroe
- Does the Broken Estate Have a Heart?
Rob Jackson
- V. help and disscusion
kelber at mindspring.com
- V. help and disscusion
Dave Monroe
- V. help and disscusion
Dave Monroe
- V. help and disscusion
Carvill, John
- Does the Broken Estate Have a Heart
Spencer Thompson
- Does the Broken Estate Have a Heart?
Campbel Morgan
- Does the Broken Estate Have a Heart?
Carvill, John
- Inherent Vice review in the Telegraph, UK
Robin Landseadel
- Fathers , Sons, Daughters & Hearts R Diamonds
Campbel Morgan
- V. help and disscusion
Dave Monroe
- V. help and disscusion
Dave Monroe
- Thomas Pynchon @ USA Today
Dave Monroe
- Playlist addditions
Robin Landseadel
- Does the Broken Estate Have a Heart?
John Bailey
- A "Pynchonesque" encounter (Salman Rushdie's dinner with Thomas Pynchon)
M Farcas
- trp biz
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- Does the Broken Estate Have a Heart
- Atdtda31: Nothing to wear, 872-873
Paul Nightingale
- Inherent Vice review in the Telegraph, UK
- Inherent Vice review in the Telegraph, UK
Robin Landseadel
- Hitler's War
- Hitler's War
- James goes to the dogs
Robert Mahnke
- Does the Broken Estate Have a Heart?
- Does the Broken Estate Have a Heart?
Campbel Morgan
- Does the Broken Estate Have a Heart?
Paul Mackin
- The [Unholy] Triangle (Vineland)
Campbel Morgan
- Hitler's War
Josiah Miller
- LSD Therapy
- The IV rush: Blog teaser....
Robert Mahnke
- KCUF Widget: It's not easy listening, just easier to listen
Henry Musikar
- Our New Deathkingdom
Dave Monroe
- Atdtda31: Nothing to wear, 872-873
Dave Monroe
- CoL49 (6) The Crying of Lot 49
Michael Bailey
- Prising some Character and Emotion out of Pynchon's Books
Michael Bailey
- Inherent Vice: Times Online Review
Robin Landseadel
- Inherent Vice: Times Online Review
John Bailey
- Inherent Vice: Times Online Review
János Székely
- Inherent Vice: Times Online Review
Robin Landseadel
- Inherent Vice by Thomas Pynchon
Dave Monroe
- Prising some Character and Emotion out of Pynchon's Books
Dave Monroe
- Henrylouisgate
Dave Monroe
- Vice, Henry James, Raymond Chandler, etc.
Carvill John
- Inherent Vice: Times Online Review
Carvill John
- Vice, Henry James, Raymond Chandler, etc.
Campbel Morgan
- Vice, Henry James, Raymond Chandler, etc.
Robin Landseadel
- Prising some Character and Emotion out of Pynchon's Books
Robin Landseadel
- Inherent Vice: Times Online Review
Robin Landseadel
- Vice, Henry James, Raymond Chandler, etc.
Robin Landseadel
- Inherent Vice: Times Online Review
Robin Landseadel
- Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- Henrylouisgate
- Henrylouisgate
Dave Monroe
- Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
Dave Monroe
- Vice, Henry James, Raymond Chandler, etc.
Campbel Morgan
- Our New Deathkingdom
- Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
Robin Landseadel
- np ...
- Sparks, "Mickey Mouse"
Dave Monroe
- Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
Dave Monroe
- Fwd: News Alert: Bush Administration Debated Using Military in Terrorism Arrests
- aw. RE: Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- Vice, Henry James, Raymond Chandler, etc.
Robin Landseadel
- Cronenberg/Delillo
- CoL49 (6) The Crying of Lot 49
- Reading the Value System of Gravity's Rainbow ...
Dave Monroe
- Vice, Henry James, Raymond Chandler, etc.
Dave Monroe
- Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
Robin Landseadel
- Vice, Henry James, Raymond Chandler, etc.
Robin Landseadel
- Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
- Vice, Henry James, Raymond Chandler, etc.
Paul Mackin
- Inherent Vice: Times Online Review
Paul Mackin
- Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
- Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
Dave Monroe
- Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
- Inherent Vice: Times Online Review
- Vice, Henry James, Raymond Chandler, etc.
Robin Landseadel
- John Dugdale's review of IV
Rob Jackson
- Sparks, "Mickey Mouse"
Daniel Julius
- Inherent Vice Review in the Guardian UK
Robin Landseadel
- Henry James's "In The Cage" with Miss Oedipa Bartleby
Campbel Morgan
- Inherent Vice Review in the Scotsman
Robin Landseadel
- Inherent Vice: Times Online Review
Michael Bailey
- Prising some Character and Emotion out of Pynchon's Books
Michael Bailey
- Karadzic alter ego Dabic and the Serbian Tesla Association
- Prising some Character and Emotion out of Pynchon's Books
Robin Landseadel
- The revolutionaries of May
János Székely
- The revolutionaries of May
János Székely
- Back from the beach
Tore Rye Andersen
- The Observer: Sarah Churchwell's Pynchon review
M Farcas
- Back from the beach
- Salman Rushdie's Dinner with Thomas Pynchon
Dave Monroe
- Inherent Vice: Yet another Times Online Review
Robin Landseadel
- Prising some Character and Emotion out of Pynchon's Books
Robin Landseadel
- Last UK veteran of WWI trench battles dies at 111
Dave Monroe
- Inherent Vice: Yet another Times Online Review
kelber at mindspring.com
- Inherent Vice: Yet another Times Online Review
Robin Landseadel
- Prepping the IV
Robin Landseadel
- Pynchon's Quest Narratives ...
Dave Monroe
- Prising some Character and Emotion out of Pynchon's Books
Paul Mackin
- Inherent Vice: Yet another Times Online Review
Thomas Eckhardt
- Pynchon's Quest Narratives ...
Campbel Morgan
- Pynchon's Quest Narratives ...
Dave Monroe
- Prising some Character and Emotion out of Pynchon's Books
Dave Monroe
- Prepping the IV
Dave Monroe
- Prepping the IV
Robin Landseadel
- Prepping the IV
Dave Monroe
- Prepping the IV
Joe Allonby
- Pynchon's Quest Narratives ...
Paul Mackin
- Back from the beach
Robin Landseadel
- Pynchon's Quest Narratives ...
Robin Landseadel
- Back from the beach
- Prepping the IV
Campbel Morgan
- Back from the beach
Robin Landseadel
- Back from the beach
- Prepping the IV
Robin Landseadel
- Back from the beach
Robin Landseadel
- Prepping the IV
Robin Landseadel
- Inherent Vice: Review from nchon’s stoned detective. by Louis Menand
Robin Landseadel
- Prepping the IV
Paul Mackin
- Pynchon's Quest Narratives ...
Campbel Morgan
- The revolutionaries of May
Carvill, John
- Fun Fact
Dave Monroe
- Pynchon's Quest Narratives ...
Dave Monroe
- The revolutionaries of May
Dave Monroe
- The revolutionaries of May
Carvill, John
- The revolutionaries of May
Dave Monroe
- The revolutionaries of May
Carvill, John
- The revolutionaries of May
Rob Jackson
- The revolutionaries of May
Dave Monroe
- The revolutionaries of May
Carvill, John
- The revolutionaries of May
Tore Rye Andersen
- The revolutionaries of May
Dave Monroe
- The revolutionaries of May
Carvill, John
- The revolutionaries of May
Tore Rye Andersen
- IV Reviewed in the NY'er
Henry Musikar
- Pynchon's back catalogue
Rob Jackson
- IV in the New Yorker
Spencer Thompson
- Prepping the IV
Robin Landseadel
- A Screaming Comes Across the Comics
Henry Musikar
- Audio IV
Clément Lévy
- In the Loop
- The revolutionaries of May
Robin Landseadel
- Audio IV
Robin Landseadel
- Audio IV
- The revolutionaries of May
Carvill, John
- Audio IV
Henry Musikar
- Audio IV
- The revolutionaries of May
Robin Landseadel
- In the Loop
Spencer Thompson
- Audio IV
Robin Landseadel
- The revolutionaries of May
Robin Landseadel
- Audio IV
Henry Musikar
- Pynchon's back catalogue
Tore Rye Andersen
- Pynchon's Quest Narratives ...
Paul Mackin
- The revolutionaries of May
- Threads (1984)
Dave Monroe
- Pynchon's back catalogue
Ya Sam
- Pynchon's back catalogue
Robin Landseadel
- Audio IV
Dave Monroe
- The revolutionaries of May
Dave Monroe
- Pynchon's back catalogue
Robin Landseadel
- Pynchon's back catalogue
Dave Monroe
- Pynchon's back catalogue
Henry Musikar
- Audio IV
Robin Landseadel
- Pynchon's back catalogue
Robin Landseadel
- The revolutionaries of May
János Székely
- The revolutionaries of May
János Székely
- German Rockets in Africa
- Pynchon's Quest Narratives ...
Campbel Morgan
- np True Blood
- Pynchon's back catalogue
Tore Rye Andersen
- np True Blood
Robin Landseadel
- Pynchon's back catalogue
Robin Landseadel
- Pynchon's back catalogue
- A Screaming Comes Across the Comics
Robin Landseadel
- Pynchon's back catalogue
Robert Mahnke
- Pynchon's back catalogue
Ya Sam
- The revolutionaries of May
Robert Jackson
- what's going on "up north" now
Paul Mackin
- Merce Cunningham, requiescat in pace ...
Dave Monroe
- Pynchon's back catalogue
Robert Jackson
- Pynchon's back catalogue
Robin Landseadel
- Pynchon's back catalogue
Dave Monroe
- Teststand 7 (Prüfstand 7) - A film of (ein Film von) Robert Bramkamp
Paul Di Filippo
- Merce Cunningham, requiescat in pace ...
Keith McMullen
- V. help and disscusion
Dave Monroe
- Astrospies
Dave Monroe
- np True Blood
David Morris
- Inherent Vice Review, Cooper Levey-Baker
Robin Landseadel
- Pynchon's back catalogue
Robin Landseadel
- Pynchon's back catalogue
Tore Rye Andersen
- P's warm beating heart
Mark Kohut
- Pynchon's back catalogue
Tore Rye Andersen
- Backing and filling on Against the Day...and for Master of Petersburg plist readers
Mark Kohut
- Pynchon's back catalogue
Robin Landseadel
- Backing and filling on Against the Day...and for Master of Petersburg plist readers
Robin Landseadel
- Pynchon's back catalogue
Ya Sam
- Pynchon's back catalogue
Paul Mackin
- Pynchon's back catalogue
Campbel Morgan
- Pynchon's back catalogue
Robin Landseadel
- Pynchon's back catalogue
- Pynchon's back catalogue
Campbel Morgan
- Pynchon's back catalogue
Robin Landseadel
- Pynchon's back catalogue
Doug Millison
- Pynchon's back catalogue
Rob Jackson
- Pynchon's back catalogue
Dave Monroe
- Pynchon's back catalogue
Rob Jackson
- Prising some Character and Emotion out of Pynchon's Books
Michael Bailey
- The revolutionaries of May
Rob Jackson
- Pynchon's back catalogue
Rob Jackson
- Pynchon's back catalogue
John Bailey
- Prising some Character and Emotion out of Pynchon's Books
Michael Bailey
- Pynchon's back catalogue
Paul Mackin
- The revolutionaries of May
Paul Mackin
- Pynchon's back catalogue
- Prising some Character and Emotion out of Pynchon's Books
- Pynchon's back catalogue
Robin Landseadel
- Pynchon's back catalogue
- Prising some Character and Emotion out of Pynchon's Books
Michael Bailey
- Pynchon's back catalogue
Paul Mackin
- menticide
Dave Monroe
- Backing and filling on Against the Day...and for Master of Petersburg plist readers
Carvill, John
- Pynchon's back catalogue
Tore Rye Andersen
- Pynchon's back catalogue
Dave Monroe
- The Complete Cosmicomics, a Holy Grail for Italo Calvino Fans
Dave Monroe
- The revolutionaries of May
János Székely
- The revolutionaries of May
Rob Jackson
- Thomas Pynchon's Unofficial Guide to Los Angeles
Henry Musikar
- The revolutionaries of May
Dave Monroe
- The revolutionaries of May
Dave Monroe
- Marijuana Noir
Dave Monroe
- Pynchon's "White Negro" Jazz?
Campbel Morgan
- The revolutionaries of May
Rob Jackson
- NP: On National Healthcare
Henry Musikar
- Marijuana Noir
Dave Monroe
- NP: On National Healthcare
Dave Monroe
- Pynchon's back catalogue
- Thomas Pynchon's Unofficial Guide to Los Angeles
- Thomas Pynchon's Unofficial Guide to Los Angeles
Robin Landseadel
- Thomas Pynchon's Unofficial Guide to Los Angeles
- Pynchon's back catalogue
- Pynchon's back catalogue
Chris Broderick
- NP: Shatner Reads Palin
Henry Musikar
- clasping a Cape copy
Heikki Raudaskoski
- clasping a Cape copy
Dave Monroe
- Pynchon's back catalogue
Dave Monroe
- clasping a Cape copy
- clasping a Cape copy
Mike Beiderbecke
- NYPL Get Together
- clasping a Cape copy
Joe Allonby
- Pynchon's back catalogue
Mark Kohut
- clasping a Cape copy
Ya Sam
- clasping a Cape copy
Henry Musikar
- Backing and filling on Against the Day...and for Master of Petersburg plist readers
Mark Kohut
- The real estate developer motif in TRP and a Vineland stream
Mark Kohut
- The real estate developer motif in TRP and a Vineland stream
Campbel Morgan
- Pynchon's back catalogue
kelber at mindspring.com
- The real estate developer motif in TRP and a Vineland stream
David Morris
- NYPL Get Together
kelber at mindspring.com
- In the Loop
kelber at mindspring.com
- The real estate developer motif in TRP and a Vineland stream
Campbel Morgan
- Pynchon's back catalogue
Robin Landseadel
- The real estate developer motif in TRP and a Vineland stream
Robin Landseadel
- NP: On National Healthcare
Joe Allonby
- In the Loop
- clasping a Cape copy
- clasping a Cape copy
Robin Landseadel
- Inherent Vice: The Boston Phoenix
Robin Landseadel
- NP: Disclaimer
Robin Landseadel
- Disclaimer
- Disclaimer
Robin Landseadel
- The real estate developer motif in TRP and a Vineland stream
Dave Monroe
- Pynchon's back catalogue
Dave Monroe
- Asemic Art
Dave Monroe
- Cape et al
Patrick Lynch
- Pynchon's back catalogue
Tore Rye Andersen
- The War Game (1965)
Dave Monroe
- A Literary Map of Msnhattan
Dave Monroe
- (Not Pynchon's writing) the guy on the left, doesn't that look a bit like the Navy picture
Michael Bailey
- Pynchon's back catalogue
Carvill John
- Inherent Vice: Review in Metro UK
Robin Landseadel
- Roger Ebert's Journal: The Quantum Theory of Reincarnation
Robin Landseadel
- Inherent Vice: The Boston Phoenix
David Morris
- Pynchon's back catalogue
John Bailey
- Cape et al
- NP - NYT Review of Volman's new release "Imperial"
David Morris
- Inherent Vice: The Boston Phoenix
Joe Allonby
- Pynchon's back catalogue
Dave Monroe
- Inherent Vice: The Boston Phoenix
David Morris
- Inherent Vice: The Boston Phoenix
Dave Monroe
- Pynchon's back catalogue
Robin Landseadel
- Inherent Vice: The Boston Phoenix
Joe Allonby
- Inherent Vice: The Boston Phoenix
Robin Landseadel
- Pynchon's back catalogue
Henry Musikar
- Pynchon's "White Negro" view of Watts & Scooby-Doo too
Campbel Morgan
- Disclaimer
Joe Allonby
- Disclaimer
Robin Landseadel
- Scarsdale Vibe Would Approve
- Pynchon's "White Negro" view of Watts & Scooby-Doo too
Henry Musikar
- Disclaimer
Henry Musikar
- NP - NYT Review of Volman's new release "Imperial"
Bruce Appelbaum
- Disclaimer
Joe Allonby
- Pynchon's back catalogue
Campbel Morgan
- NP - NYT Review of Volman's new release "Imperial"
- Pynchon pub party...nice...St. Mark's in NYC is also having a midnight party, I read
Mark Kohut
- In the Loop
- Pynchon's "White Negro" view of Watts & Scooby-Doo too
Robin Landseadel
- Disclaimer
Robin Landseadel
- Pynchon pub party...nice...St. Mark's in NYC is also having a midnight party, I read
Henry Musikar
- Disclaimer
Joe Allonby
- NP - NYT Review of Volman's new release "Imperial"
David Morris
- The real estate developer motif in TRP and a Vineland stream
Mark Kohut
- Good Wills Hunting for Everyday People
Campbel Morgan
- Pynchon's "White Negro" view of Watts & Scooby-Doo too
David Morris
- Disclaimer
Robin Landseadel
- In the Loop
Johnny Marr
- Backing and filling on Against the Day...and for Master of Petersburg plist readers
Mark Kohut
- The real estate developer motif in TRP and a Vineland stream
David Morris
- The real estate developer motif in TRP and a Vineland stream
Campbel Morgan
- Good Wills Hunting for Everyday People
Robin Landseadel
- The real estate developer motif in TRP and a Vineland stream
Mark Kohut
- The real estate developer motif in TRP and a Vineland stream
David Morris
- Pynchon's back catalogue
Mark Kohut
- Scarsdale Vibe Would Approve
Mark Kohut
- Pynchon's "White Negro" view of Watts & Scooby-Doo too
- The real estate developer motif in TRP and a Vineland stream
Campbel Morgan
- The real estate developer motif in TRP and a Vineland stream
Robin Landseadel
- The real estate developer motif in TRP and a Vineland stream
Robin Landseadel
- The real estate developer motif in TRP and a Vineland stream
Campbel Morgan
- The real estate developer motif in TRP and a Vineland stream
Mark Kohut
- NP: the forging of Kerouac's lot
Mark Kohut
- The real estate developer motif in TRP and a Vineland stream
Robin Landseadel
- The real estate developer motif in TRP and a Vineland stream
Campbel Morgan
- Pynchon's "White Negro" view of Watts & Scooby-Doo too
Joe Allonby
- got any gum chum
Campbel Morgan
- New book on ancient survey line
Paul Di Filippo
- NP: Disclaimer
Joe Allonby
- NP: Disclaimer
Robin Landseadel
- NP: Disclaimer
Robin Landseadel
- AtD deep context: the time of Tesla
Robert Mahnke
- The real estate developer motif in TRP and a Vineland stream
- EW on IV
Henry Musikar
- Inherent Vice: Entertainment Weekly Review
Robin Landseadel
- got any gum chum
- Pynchon's "White Negro" view of Watts & Scooby-Doo too
David Morris
- Pynchon's "White Negro" view of Watts & Scooby-Doo too
Robin Landseadel
- NP: Disclaimer
David Morris
- EW on IV
- NYPL Get Together
- Bianca Lives
Henry Musikar
- NP: Disclaimer
János Székely
- Prepping the IV
Robin Landseadel
- The real estate developer motif in TRP and a Vineland stream
David Morris
- NP: Disclaimer
Joe Allonby
- The real estate developer motif in TRP and a Vineland stream
David Morris
- NP: Disclaimer
Joe Allonby
- The real estate developer motif in TRP and a Vineland stream
David Morris
- clasping a Cape copy
Michel Ryckx
- Inherent Vice Review in Seattle' "The Strangers
Robin Landseadel
- clasping a Cape copy
Henry Musikar
- New book on ancient survey line
kelber at mindspring.com
- The real estate developer motif in TRP and a Vineland stream
Campbel Morgan
- "1984" and "Gravity's Rainbow"
Mark Kohut
- NP: Disclaimer
- "1984" and "Gravity's Rainbow"
Dave Monroe
- BBC NEWS | UK | England | Somerset | Earth landing for 'space cheese'
Paul Di Filippo
- "1984" and "Gravity's Rainbow"
Michael Bailey
- "1984" and "Gravity's Rainbow"
Mark Kohut
- NP: Disclaimer
David Morris
- The real estate developer motif in TRP and a Vineland stream
Paul Mackin
- Inerent Vice: Review from "The Cult"
Robin Landseadel
- Inherent Vice, NPR review
Robin Landseadel
- Inherent Vice review: The Second Pass
Robin Landseadel
- "1984" and "Gravity's Rainbow"
Dave Monroe
- Pynchon's "White Negro" view of Watts & Scooby-Doo too
Joe Allonby
- "1984" and "Gravity's Rainbow"
Campbel Morgan
- "1984" and "Gravity's Rainbow"
Robin Landseadel
- "1984" and "Gravity's Rainbow"
Robin Landseadel
- Henri Lefebvre's "The Critique of Everyday Life" & Michel de Certeau "The Practice of Everyday Life."
Campbel Morgan
- NP: Disclaimer
- Inherent Vice review: The Second Pass
Joe Allonby
- NP: Disclaimer
Joe Allonby
- got any gum chum
Michael Bailey
- Doc Sportello at Inherent Viceland
Henry Musikar
- np Woodstock
- Prising some Character and Emotion out of Pynchon's Books
Michael Bailey
- Inherent Vice: L.A. Times Review
Robin Landseadel
- New book on ancient survey line
John Bailey
- Pynchon's back catalogue
Michael Bailey
- Phoenix/Chuck P Reviews
Carvill, John
- Backing and filling on Against the Day...and for Master of Petersburg plist readers
Carvill, John
- NP: Disclaimer
Carvill, John
- Philip Roth: "Ist Pynchon paranoisch?"
M Farcas
- "1984" and "Gravity's Rainbow"
Campbel Morgan
- Pynchon's "White Negro" view of Watts & Scooby-Doo too
Carvill, John
- Prising some Character and Emotion out of Pynchon's Books
Campbel Morgan
- Prising some Character and Emotion out of Pynchon's Books
Carvill, John
- IV-review in today's FAZ: "Auf dem Geisterschiff nach Hollywood" (Thomas David)
Kai Frederik Lorentzen
- IV reviewed by The Spectator & The New Statesman
Heikki Raudaskoski
- IV reviewed by The Spectator & The New Statesman
Carvill, John
- Prising some Character and Emotion out of Pynchon's Books
Campbel Morgan
- New York City P-listers
Toby Levy
- Pynchon pub party...nice...St. Mark's in NYC is also having a midnight party, I read
Henry Musikar
- Pynchon's "White Negro" view of Watts & Scooby-Doo too
David Morris
- Philip Roth: "Ist Pynchon paranoisch?"
Henry Musikar
- Philip Roth: "Ist Pynchon paranoisch?"
Carvill, John
- "1984" and "Gravity's Rainbow"
Robin Landseadel
- Backing and filling on Against the Day...and for Master of Petersburg plist readers
- NP - Cronenberg to Film DeLillo's Cosmopolis
David Morris
- Backing and filling on Against the Day...and for Master of Petersburg plist readers
Carvill, John
- NP - Cronenberg to Film DeLillo's Cosmopolis
Robin Landseadel
- (NP) Dude: The Documentary
- Greil Marcus on Michael Jackson
Robin Landseadel
- New York City P-listers
kelber at mindspring.com
- Greil Marcus on Michael Jackson
- New York City P-listers
Carvill, John
- (NP) Dude: The Documentary
Robin Landseadel
- The Day the President Turned Black
Carvill, John
- Greil Marcus on Michael Jackson
Robin Landseadel
- NP: Florida's Hydroponic Pot
kelber at mindspring.com
- NP: Florida's Hydroponic Pot
David Morris
- The Day the President Turned Black
Robin Landseadel
- NP: Florida's Hydroponic Pot
Robin Landseadel
- Pynchon's "White Negro" view of Watts & Scooby-Doo too
- Pynchon's "White Negro" view of Watts & Scooby-Doo too
David Morris
- Good Wills Hunting for Everyday People
David Morris
- 1984; B&W
Doug Millison
- Pynchon's "White Negro" view of Watts & Scooby-Doo too
Henry Musikar
- AtD/boozing Finns-related
Heikki Raudaskoski
- Good Wills Hunting for Everyday People
Robin Landseadel
- "1984" and "Gravity's Rainbow"
Campbel Morgan
- "1984" and "Gravity's Rainbow"
Campbel Morgan
- "1984" and "Gravity's Rainbow"
Robin Landseadel
- "1984" and "Gravity's Rainbow"
Robin Landseadel
- Inherent Vice: L.A. Times Review
- "1984" and "Gravity's Rainbow"
Robin Landseadel
- Prising some Character and Emotion out of Pynchon's Books
Michael Bailey
- Pynchon's "White Negro" view of Watts & Scooby-Doo too
Michael Bailey
- Pynchon's "White Negro" view of Watts & Scooby-Doo too
Henry Musikar
- The real estate developer motif in TRP and a Vineland stream
Robert Mahnke
- Prising some Character and Emotion out of Pynchon's Books
Campbel Morgan
- IV at Foyles
Spencer Thompson
- "1984" and "Gravity's Rainbow"
Michael Bailey
- Pynchon's "White Negro" view of Watts & Scooby-Doo too
- Pynchon's
kelber at mindspring.com
- "1984" and "Gravity's Rainbow"
Robin Landseadel
- Backing and filling on Against the Day...and for Master of Petersburg plist readers
Mark Kohut
- "1984" and "Gravity's Rainbow"
Campbel Morgan
- Pynchon pub party...nice...St. Mark's in NYC is also having a midnight party, I read
Robert Mahnke
- So...when do we tear the shrinkwrap off the IV group read?
David Kipen
- Prising some Character and Emotion out of Pynchon's Books
Michael Bailey
- So...when do we tear the shrinkwrap off the IV group read?
Dave Monroe
- Pynchon pub party...nice...St. Mark's in NYC is also having a midnight party, I read
Henry Musikar
- Prising some Character and Emotion out of Pynchon's Books
Dave Monroe
- NP: Disclaimer
Dave Monroe
- NP: Disclaimer
Dave Monroe
- Prising some Character and Emotion out of Pynchon's Books
Robin Landseadel
- NP: Disclaimer
Robin Landseadel
- So...when do we tear the shrinkwrap off the IV group read?
Ya Sam
- A New Romero Zombie Flick
- Pynchon pub party...nice...St. Mark's in NYC is also having a midnight party, I read
Henry Musikar
- So...when do we tear the shrinkwrap off the IV group read?
Dave Monroe
- Excerpt from Inherent Vice
Robin Landseadel
- Cronenberg/Delillo
Daniel Cape
- So...when do we tear the shrinkwrap off the IV group read?
Mark Kohut
- Inherent Vice: WSJ Article
Robin Landseadel
- Pynchon pub party...nice...St. Mark's in NYC is also having a midnight party, I read
Henry M
- Pynchon references in popular music
Daniel Cape
- Pynchon references in popular music
Robin Landseadel
- Inherent Vice Review in The Independent
Robin Landseadel
- "1984"; perhaps a few more TRP resonances?
Mark Kohut
- Pynchon pub party...nice...St. Mark's in NYC is also having a midnight party, I read
Henry Musikar
- Pynchon's
Michael Bailey
- Inherent Vice Review in OrgonLive.com
Robin Landseadel
- Pynchon's
Henry Musikar
- NP: Developers and environmentalists
- NP: Developers and environmentalists
Robin Landseadel
- "1984"; perhaps a few more TRP resonances?
Campbel Morgan
- belated answer to Mark Twain Q
Mark Kohut
- Correction: Belated answer to Mark Twain Q
Mark Kohut
- belated answer to Mark Twain Q
Robin Landseadel
- "1984"; perhaps a few more TRP resonances?
Mark Kohut
- Fw: Nikola Tesla speaks....clearly and sanely
Mark Kohut
- belated answer to Mark Twain Q
Campbel Morgan
- Correction: Belated answer to Mark Twain Q
Campbel Morgan
- belated answer to Mark Twain Q
- World Anarchism-related bombings circa just before Princess C and therefore AtD
Mark Kohut
- A New Romero Zombie Flick
Joe Allonby
- Pynchon references in popular music
Joe Allonby
- So...when do we tear the shrinkwrap off the IV group read?
- Inherent Vice review in The Salon
Robin Landseadel
- Pynchon references in popular music
Daniel Cape
- Threads (1984)
Daniel Cape
- NP: Developers and environmentalists
Robin Landseadel
- New book on ancient survey line
Daniel Cape
- NP: Florida's Hydroponic Pot
Daniel Cape
- New book on ancient survey line
John Bailey
- Pynchon's landlord and Jim Dodge
Jay Herzog
- Overrated?
Carvill, John
- IV at Foyles
Carvill, John
- So...when do we tear the shrinkwrap off the IV group read?
Carvill, John
- NP: Disclaimer
Carvill, John
- Pynchon's
Carvill, John
- Inherent Vice review in The Salon
Carvill, John
- Independent (UK) review of IV
Carvill, John
- Threads (1984)
Dave Monroe
- So...when do we tear the shrinkwrap off the IV group read?
Dave Monroe
- Inherent Vice: L.A. Times Review
Dave Monroe
- Overrated?
Daniel Julius
- 100 Best Beach Books Ever
Dave Monroe
- Overrated?
Carvill, John
- Overrated?
- Overrated?
Carvill, John
- Overrated?
Robin Landseadel
- Pynchon references in popular music
David Morris
- Collision of Inherent Vices
Henry Musikar
- So...when do we tear the shrinkwrap off the IV group read?
David Morris
- Pynchon references in popular music
Dave Monroe
- So...when do we tear the shrinkwrap off the IV group read?
Carvill, John
- Overrated?
Carvill, John
- Overrated?
David Morris
- Overrated?
Carvill, John
- Inherent Vice: WSJ Article
Henry Musikar
- So...when do we tear the shrinkwrap off the IV group read?
Robin Landseadel
- Overrated?
David Morris
- So...when do we tear the shrinkwrap off the IV group read?
David Morris
- So...when do we tear the shrinkwrap off the IV group read?
Carvill, John
- Overrated?
Henry Musikar
- So...when do we tear the shrinkwrap off the IV group read?
Robin Landseadel
- Overrated?
Robin Landseadel
- Inherent Vice (2009)
Dave Monroe
- Overrated?
Carvill, John
- So...when do we tear the shrinkwrap off the IV group read?
Henry Musikar
- Pynchon references in popular music
Joe Allonby
- Pynchon references in popular music
Carvill, John
- So...when do we tear the shrinkwrap off the IV group read?
David Morris
- Overrated?
- Pynchon references in popular music
Henry Musikar
- Inherent Vice: L.A. Times Review
- Pynchon references in popular music
James Kyllo
- Underrated?
- Prepping the IV
Robin Landseadel
- Prepping the IV
Mark Kohut
- Threads (1984)
- Fw: Flatlanders' thread...the original usage? 100+ years ago
Mark Kohut
- Flatlanders' thread....more populist meanings from Urban Dictionary
Mark Kohut
- Overrated?
- Skeptic's Take on the Life and Argued Works of...
Henry Musikar
- Flatlanders' thread....more populist meanings from Urban Dictionary
- Skeptic's Take on the Life and Argued Works of...
Mark Kohut
- Flatlanders' thread....more populist meanings from Urban Dictionary
Mark Kohut
- Skeptic's Take on the Life and Argued Works of...
Robin Landseadel
- Japanese Cat Humilation
Robin Landseadel
- Pynchon in Popular Music
ruudsaurins at aol.com
- Skeptic's Take on the Life and Argued Works of...
- Underrated?
Dave Monroe
- Overrated?
Paul Mackin
- Have you hugged your SysAdmin today?
Henry Musikar
- Pynchon in Popular Music
Dave Monroe
- Have you hugged your SysAdmin today?
Dave Monroe
- Pynchon in Popular Music
Henry Musikar
- So...when do we tear the shrinkwrap off the IV group read?
Paul Mackin
- Have you hugged your SysAdmin today?
Henry Musikar
- Pynchon in Popular Music
Dave Monroe
- GQ Review?
Elaine Bell
- Underrated?
- Pynchon in Popular Music
- Prepping the IV
Dave Monroe
- Prepping the IV
- Prepping the IV
- Old Soldiers Never Die, They Just Leave Alot of Bad Shit
- A New Romero Zombie Flick
- Reason, Faith, and Revolution:
Dave Monroe
- A New Romero Zombie Flick
Joe Allonby
- Prepping the IV
Robin Landseadel
- Excerpt from Inherent Vice
- Inherent Vice: Counterpunch review
Robin Landseadel
- Cronenberg/Delillo
- Inherent Vice: Counterpunch review
Henry Musikar
- Inherent Vice: Counterpunch review
Robin Landseadel
- Inherent Vice: Counterpunch review
- Inherent Vice: Counterpunch review
Henry Musikar
- Inherent Vice: Counterpunch review
Robin Landseadel
- Correction: Belated answer to Mark Twain Q
- Excerpt from Inherent Vice
Michael Bailey
- Correction: Belated answer to Mark Twain Q
Michael Bailey
- Inherent Vice review in the Guardian
Robin Landseadel
- Inherent Vice review from the BBC
Robin Landseadel
- Correction: Belated answer to Mark Twain Q
Robin Landseadel
- Correction: Belated answer to Mark Twain Q
- Flatlanders' thread....more populist meanings from Urban Dictionary
John Bailey
- Correction: Belated answer to Mark Twain Q
Robin Landseadel
- Popular Music in Pynchon (IV)
John Bailey
Last message date:
Fri Jul 31 22:22:31 CDT 2009
Archived on: Tue Feb 20 18:59:31 CST 2018
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).