Losing My Rag
Carvill John
johncarvill at hotmail.com
Thu Jul 9 07:46:00 CDT 2009
Yesterday, I had a number of unrelated annoyances come down upon my (relatively) innocent head. This did not put me in a particularly sweet or mellow mood.
Generally, I admire people - on this list, other forums, and in wider life - who can hold their tempers, bite their tongues, and not resort to vitriol, spleen, etc.
However, this is not my nature. Further, although I admire the ability of others who can keep cool, but care, I'm not necessarily saying I aspire to that condition myself. Frankly, I'm in two minds about that.
Where I come from, we don't piss about when someone has a go at us. We react. Frankly, I'm in two minds about that as well. It's certainly a characteristic of my countrymen that has got us into trouble in the past.
I digress.
What I do really regret, though, is coming back onto this list (after yet another argument-inspired hiatus) and straight away getting into an unedifying dispute. That my disputee is someone who, well, less said the better.... what I mean is that I disappoint *myself* when I let someone like that, or a matter so trivial, set me off.
So, without wishing to give the false impression that I seek to withdraw anything I've said *to* that certain person, I do say this: apologies to all onlookers for having publicly lost my rag, again. I can't help it sometimes, but I will keep trying.
Anybody want to discuss Thomas Pynchon? I hear he has a new book due out any time now.....
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