Our New Deathkingdom

Dave Monroe against.the.dave at gmail.com
Tue Jul 21 18:57:53 CDT 2009

Walter Cronkite, requiescat in pace; Ad Astra per Aspera ....


   "Its the cycle over now, and a new one ready to begin?  Will our
new Edge, our new Deathkingdom, be the Moon? I dream of a great glass
sphere, hollow and very high and far away ... the colonists have
learned to do without air, it's vacuum inside and out [...] Inside the
 colony, the handful of men have a frosty appearance , hardly solid,
no more alive than memories, nothing to touch . . . only their remote
images, black  and white film-images, grained ..."

--Thomas Pynchon, Gravity's Rainbow, Pt. IV, p. 723

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