pynchon-l-digest V2 #6944

Doug Millison dougmillison at
Wed Jul 22 10:35:12 CDT 2009

Tim Ware is happy but I sense just a tad frantic, with deadline  
looming,  to announce that the wiki for Inherent Vice will be  
officially released  on August 4.

Sorry to say I had no bandwidth to help this time, as I was able to do  
with the Against the Day wiki which I helped to build prior to the  
release of that novel. (But I'm glad that the project I'm on as  
editorial chief,, is moving forward.  Some of you  
will like activnet, the Books activity area in particular is going to  
be fun.)

I've had a good look at the Inherent Vice wiki in progress and it's  
looking good, I'm pleased to report. Tim Ware continues to provide a  
service, above and beyond the call of duty, to Pynchon readers  
everywhere, as he has for years with his Pynchon web sites.

Separately, on a topic I noticed in a recent digest, I suggest that  
Pynchon, in putting a novel by Henry James in the hands of a canine  
reader, seems to be making a point about that author, or his art, or  
both.  It doesn't feel to me like an altogether flattering picture of  
James, but the dog's cool ;)

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