Inerent Vice: Review from "The Cult"

Robin Landseadel robinlandseadel at
Wed Jul 29 18:11:34 CDT 2009

. . . said cult being "The Official Chuck Palahniuk website," with  
designer logo & whatnot. On the other hand, Joshua Chaplinsky really  
gets it: "Here's your quote- Thomas Pynchon loved this book! Almost as  
much as he loves cameras."
	. . . Hardcore fans might decry Vice as Pynchon-light, and newbie’s  
might be duped into thinking they can tackle his more notorious works,  
but I’m sure Pynchon could care less. This is the man who broke a  
forty year silence on The Simpson’s, drawn with a bag with a question  
mark on it over his head. Vice is Pynchon doing what he does best-  
having fun and not giving a fuck. I can picture his response to  
snooty, would-be detractors claiming he has jumped the shark- Yeah?  
Well, that’s just like, your opinion, man.

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