Pynchon's landlord and Jim Dodge

Jay Herzog zogboy at
Fri Jul 31 01:05:40 CDT 2009

A while back I was having a conversation at the bookstore with Stuart, a
local handyman and Cormac McCarthy aficionado and he mentioned that he'd
just done some work on a mother-in-law unit in Trinidad for a local theater
director and she told him that Thomas Pynchon was once her tenant.

I later ran in to her and asked her about it. She said Tom was a very sweet
man and paid his rent exclusively in Traveler's checks. She was nice as
well, but I also remember she directed the worst production of Shakespeare
I'd ever seen, a horrible King Lear where she removed all the violent scenes
and inserted her own politically correct monologues.

I guess I'm kind of a bandwagon jumper, because I only resubscribe to the
P-list when there's new book in the hopper. Jim Dodge is supposed to pop by
tomorrow morning at the bookstore where I work to pick up his copy of
Inherent Vice, and I'm about 50 pages in. As someone who's lived in both
L.A. and Humboldt, I do enjoy Pynchon's attention to detail and his
delightfully skewed descriptions.

J. Herzog

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