CoL49 (5) Sidney [Genghis] Cohen

mathew morseth mors08 at
Tue Jul 7 10:12:54 CDT 2009

May I please be removed from this list?
I no longer have the time to go through the 40+ e-mails a day I get?

Can someone help?

On Jul 7, 2009, at 1:13 AM, Tore Rye Andersen wrote:

> Robin:
>> Although the idea of postage stamps really being blotter acid would  
>> be
>> a cool subtext for the Tristero system's stamps, blotter didn't  
>> appear
>> until after LSD became illegal, sometime in the early seventies.
>> Maybe Pynchon was just being prescient.
> O-or maybe he BROUGHT IT INTO BEING, like von Göll and that  
> Schwarzkommando!
> M-maybe it is his mission "to sow in the Zone seeds of reality" (GR,  
> 388).
> Remember how those 'stamps' are described in Lot 49: "thousands of  
> little
> colored windows into deep vistas of space and time" (Lot 49, 45).  
> Does that
> just sound like innocent stamps to y'all? Surely it is no  
> coincidence that
> another term for LSD is "windowpanes" - eh?
> Hum, hum, howbeit,--
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