Inherent Vice

kelber at kelber at
Wed Jul 8 10:19:57 CDT 2009

Maybe they'd send it via W.A.S.T.E.?


-----Original Message-----
>From: Dave Monroe <against.the.dave at>
>Sent: Jul 7, 2009 11:50 AM
>To: penguinpublicity at
>Subject: Re: Inherent Vice
>Uh, that ZIP's 53203-0141 in full.  Did I mention that I've a sleep
>disorder as well, and am writing to you whilst killing time before
>undergoing Testing @ the nearby hospital?  Just so you know ...
>My friend, Henry Musikar, by the way, may have written you as well on
>behalf of a far needier friend.  Even if I'm not bookworthy, his
>friend definitely is.  Though if you find yrself with TWO copies to
>spare ...
>Thanks again for yr kind consideration.  A bunch!
>On Tue, Jul 7, 2009 at 8:55 AM, Dave Monroe<against.the.dave at> wrote:
>> Oops, sorry, got interrupted there.  Thanks!
>> On Tue, Jul 7, 2009 at 8:50 AM, Dave Monroe<against.the.dave at> wrote:
>>> Dear Penguin people--
>>> Yes, I know, I have please noted that y'all "do not send review copies
>>> to individual consumers."  However, allow me to note that (a) I am, in
>>> fact, eminently dividual, even though I would prefer to remain as
>>> intact as possible, and (b) if you GIVE me a complimentary copy of
>>> Thomas Pynchon's forthcoming (from Penguin!) novel, InherentVvice, I
>>> will precisely NOT be a consumer, per se, but rather the extremely
>>> grateful recipient of a free book.
>>> It's not that I mind waiting a month and shelling out full price, but
>>> having gone through hell and apparently NOT quite back again since the
>>> publication of at LEAST Against the Day, and currently being both
>>> homeless AND cash/credit/barter/trade/will-to-live poor.
>>> Dave Monroe
>>> P.O. Box 510813
>>> Milwaukee, WI  5320

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