CoL49 (6) Diocletian Blobb

Dave Monroe against.the.dave at
Thu Jul 9 15:38:01 CDT 2009

On Thu, Jul 9, 2009 at 11:43 AM, rich<richard.romeo at> wrote:

> anything to the fact that the emperor Diocletian had Saint Gennaro
> murdered, Gennaro being a character in the Courier's Tragedy (played
> by Driblette)

Very good.

> Gennaro is leading the forces against Angelo--can we equate Angelo
> with the Roman emperor?

"Equate," I don't know.  But, again, what are the relationships
between characers? What structures do they fit into?  Create, even?
What structures are they analogous to?  Me, I tend to think of all
these unusual names, for example, not so much as point askew at
someone else--if taht's a fair way to caharacterize Hollander's
claims--as ringing out and creating resonances.  As landmines, even,
triggering other explosions on down the line ...
> coincidence

No such thing.  Is there?  In fiction?  A seemingly densely figured
and confifured as Pynchon's?

> just riffing here

You know how we do ...

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