Nick Cave

rich richard.romeo at
Fri Jul 10 09:58:20 CDT 2009

i think in these current times, pathological violence is like
breakfast cereal (or so says Tarantino before Itchy cuts his head
off)--we need a mix of Peckinpah and Klimov for a director
i doubt it'll be made either
i can at least take No Country for Old Men as a consolation
prize--that my friends was awesome--Javier was great, and its was
faithful to the book


On 7/10/09, kelber at <kelber at> wrote:
> Scott Rudin productions has been developing a film version of Blood
> Meridian, to be directed by Todd Field, for a couple of years now.
> The project still doesn't have a script or even a screenwriter, which is a
> bad sign in terms of its ever getting made.  This is one of those books that
> just doesn't translate to the screen.  I mean, it's possible that it could
> be made into a visually arresting, disturbing art film, but would it really
> do justice to the writing?
> I just saw the film of Slaughterhouse Five the other day, and it's an OK
> film, but not a great one (the book, of course, being a great one).  The
> scenes of Dresden before the bombing were a high point.  They genuinely
> added something not found in the book.  The scenes after the bombing nowhere
> captured the horror described in the book.  And not once was the phrase "so
> it goes" used (or maybe I missed it).  I'd reread the book but I'd be
> unlikely to watch the movie again.
> Think a movie of Blood Meridian would be of similar quality.  If a film's
> neither as good as or better than the book, then why bother?
> Laura
> -----Original Message-----
>>From: rich <richard.romeo at>
>>Sent: Jul 10, 2009 10:11 AM
>>To: David Morris <fqmorris at>
>>Cc: James Kyllo <jkyllo at>, Keith <keithsz at>, Masochistic
>> Devotees <pynchon-l at>
>>Subject: Re: Nick Cave
>>if anyone could make an attempt at filing Blood Meridian I think I'd
>>want Nick Cave involved
>>looking fwd to The Road to be in theaters late this yr--finally!
>>On 7/10/09, David Morris <fqmorris at> wrote:
>>> I very much enjoyed "And the Ass Saw the Angel."  I agree completely with
>>> James.  He is a good writer.  And I also agree with Rich.  His debut at
>>> screenwriting resulted in a very fine film, "The Proposition."  Rent it.
>>> Well directed and beautifully  filmed too.
>>> Trailer:
>>> On Fri, Jul 10, 2009 at 3:24 AM, James Kyllo <jkyllo at> wrote:
>>>> I liked it a lot.   Wears its influences (Faulkner, F O'Connor &c) on
>>>> its sleeve - but good writing.

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