C of L 49: "That's how it is..most of the time."

Robin Landseadel robinlandseadel at comcast.net
Tue Jul 14 13:07:16 CDT 2009

> From: Paul Mackin
> But doesn't the satire seem particularly directed at the anarchist  
> types?

In what respect, Charlie?

The dispossesed/loser/schlemiel/49.9%er's are affectionately noted in  
all the texts as the nominal 'good guys' of the game, whilst the  
farther up the food chain ya go, the eviler it gets. There's system  
hierarchy going on here, relative degrees of bad karma & good. But the  
anarchists don't get the thorough working over of the Brock Vonds, the  
Dr. Hilarius [es], the Bliceros. Beyond all those singularities there  
are the nameless forces of 'THEM', even further past that are some  
really scary natural laws. Everybody that passes through Pynchonia  
gets the standard satirical treatment—TRP really ain't all that  
interested in 'normal' folks anyway.

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