Preparing the IV - Seattle Seven

rich richard.romeo at
Sat Jul 18 11:21:39 CDT 2009

hey, 140 ain't bad

On Fri, Jul 17, 2009 at 10:10 PM, Michael
Bailey<michael.lee.bailey at> wrote:
>> ________
>> if one is anti-this and anti-that, why not be pro-something, like pro-bowling?
> for one thing, I'm not that good!  I got up to a 140 average and
> bowled a 600 series once in a flurry of inspiration...
> but even so, it didn't satisfy the urge to peacefully protest, to be
> divinely discontented with a status quo that includes militarism in
> the polis and feudalism in the workplace, to join with others seeking
> a better way....
> --
> "My God, I am fully in favor of a little leeway or the damnable jig is
> up! " - Seymour Glass

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