Rush to Judgement . . . HJ "The Art of Fiction" Authors must be Free to Fall

Carvill, John john.carvill at
Mon Jul 20 08:16:07 CDT 2009

>> On Jul 19, 2009, at 9:32 AM, Campbel Morgan wrote:
>> I'm not one to complan about missing Fanboys, even when they confuse
an already confused prose
>> style such as the one Mr. Pynchon employs [...]

> Richard Romeo
> Nicely put. Not sure I'll need to read Vineland or even lot 49 again.
Suspect IV will be same

Hi Rich. I'm not sure I'm quite clear on exactly what Mr Morgan is
saying here.... Ironically, I find *his* prose style fairly confused....

I think there's a chance that Pynchon fans who don't like Vineland will
like IV even les. But there's also a chance they'll enbd up liking it
more than Vineland. Could go either way. But the book is very enjoyable
on its own terms, don't prepare for disappointment!

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