Studying the Pynchon/apocalyptic fiction junction
Campbel Morgan
campbelmorgan at
Mon Jul 20 15:21:58 CDT 2009
I suggest you narrow your subject, Millennialism & Apocalypticism, to
a topic and ten focus it. If you want to include Pynchon is the paper,
I suggest you stick to GR. Only problem may be that your paper has
been written by several before you.
On Mon, Jul 20, 2009 at 4:00 PM, Daniel Cape<daniel.cape at> wrote:
> Thanks very much for your advice, Page. Please do let me know if you
> hear from any collegial colleagues re: Pynchon study etc.
> I hope this reply makes its way to the right thread and all... I'm not
> sure how to reply sos that it makes its ways into the cowreck place.
> I thought that Mason & Dixon, being related to the founding of modern
> America, might be worth a scan for any millennial-type blips. Slow
> Learner was a great gloss to the novels I've read so far, and I must
> get to that _1984_ Intro. Will check out that website and that
> scholarly boke too. AtD is winging its way to me as we speak... and
> I'm chewing through Vineland (a lot easier to digest than others, I
> must say) while red-rimmed mine eyes absorb films from Nosferatu to
> gore-soaked body horror. Delicious.
> p-list Pynchon academics, you know who you are (doncha??) -- can you
> offer me any advice on study in the field of apocalyptic fiction &
> Pynchonalia?
> Regards,
> :D a n
> 2009/7/20 Page <page at>:
>> Welcome to the list. I cannot provide useful answers to your questions (I
>> live in the bush in Canada and the full digital age hasn't made it to my
>> world), but I can throw a couple things your way. Don't know if you have
>> been lurking long enough to have picked some of the shorthand on the list,
>> TRP is, of course, OBA -- which, in turn, is Our Beloved Author
>> The most important reading I can recommend is Against the Day (AtD) and the
>> introduction to Slow Learner. Mason & Dixon is not on your list. I am
>> inclined to think that is the easiest to skip -- but there are people are
>> here who would horse whip me for that sentiment. An edition of "1984" was
>> published in the last year or so, and TRP wrote the Introduction.You may
>> know that, so please forgive that and any redundancies. An excellent book
>> about TRP is "The Gnostic Pynchon." The website, "the modern" is a
>> treasure trove, including unpublished writings of Pynchon and works about
>> him.
>> I will contact some people I know from university days and try to dig up
>> some information about TRP's work
>> As for the list, jump in any time. New voices are always good.
>> Page
>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Daniel Cape" <daniel.cape at>
>> To: <pynchon-l at>
>> Sent: Sunday, July 19, 2009 4:03 PM
>> Subject: Studying the Pynchon/apocalyptic fiction junction
>>> Hello liszters,
>>> I've recently discovered this frankly amazing resource, and have been
>>> lurking about a bit listening in. I thought it time to say g'day and
>>> pose a question.
>>> I've been thinking about undertaking postgraduate study at Master's
>>> thesis level for some time now. I would like to do it in the arena of
>>> apocalyptic fiction, and have been toying with authors and ideas (and,
>>> of course, crises of self-doubt). Pynchon's works would be a fruitful
>>> source to study, I think, but of course the critical industry
>>> surrounding him is huge, and I suspect a lot's been done on this (for
>>> starters, I've read the chapter on Pynchon in Joseph Dewey's monograph
>>> _In A Dark Time_). What do you think?
>>> Furthermore, I've recently picked up some film papers for phun (incl.
>>> a brilliant genre study of horror!), and have begun reading Vineland
>>> -- looking at all those movie refs. the possibility of an
>>> interdisciplinary study on film and lit looking at Pynchon excites,
>>> but again i suspect a LOT has been written on this. What do you think?
>>> I'd quite like to travel someplace to study (I'm in New Zealand), and
>>> would also like to ask if you knew of any taught Master's programmes
>>> that focus on utopian/dystopian/apocalytpic fiction, especially in
>>> Europe, but also in North America, and any recommendations for centres
>>> of Pynchon studies.
>>> Thanks, your help is mucho appreciated,
>>> :D a n
>>> PS: My experience of Pynchon so far; CoL49, GR, V., Slow Learner, and,
>>> partially, Vineland. I'm like Pac Man nam nam nam.
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