Preparing the IV

Robin Landseadel robinlandseadel at
Wed Jul 22 11:01:22 CDT 2009

On Jul 22, 2009, at 7:57 AM, Carvill, John wrote:

> Yep, the detective novel as Quest Narrative, and Pynchon's Quest
> Narratives, not to mention all that Chandleresque Lew Basnight stuff  
> in
> ATD, made me wonder why the Penguin Press Release said IV found  
> Pynchon
> "working in an unaccustomed genre". Not unacusstomed at all...

. . . not to mention all that Chandleresque stuff in The Crying of Lot  

	But the private eye sooner or later has to get beat up on. This
	night's profusion of post horns, this malignant, deliberate
	replication, was their way of beating up. They knew her pressure
	points, and the ganglia of her optimism, and one by one, pinch
	by precision pinch, they were immobilizing her.

	"You could say I was on anything but a roll. . ."
	Bob Dylan, "Highlands

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