Prepping the IV

Campbel Morgan campbelmorgan at
Sun Jul 26 20:27:18 CDT 2009

Yeah, everything connects. To what? To whom? Why? Wha? What's the
medium? TV? Film? Tesla's invisible mapping of l/flightening & forces
unseen, ? ? Wha? Reading one of the important sources of P's CL49,
Henry James's "In the Cage", we can begin to wonder how P has cast his
characters (NB, he doesn't make characters but we will call them
characters, even if they are heartless figures who can not laugh while
their hearts are his Ford application, young P never
proposed writing Opera with clowns laughing as their hearts were
broken...and he stuck to the good grave comedy  for fifty-odd years
because satire, even fabulous subversive satire [Weidenbuger] is, as
the constant argumets here attest, a fitting mode for an American, who
was never a beat, never a pot-head hippie, always an American author,
easily recognized as a critic of Reagan and Nixon, and even Kennedy
and the cold war conservatives of the old Left, but clearly not a Nwe
Left author).

On Sun, Jul 26, 2009 at 8:07 PM, Joe Allonby<joeallonby at> wrote:
> Ask for Demerol!
> On Sun, Jul 26, 2009 at 4:39 PM, Dave Monroe<against.the.dave at> wrote:
>> On Sun, Jul 26, 2009 at 3:36 PM, Robin
>> Landseadel<robinlandseadel at> wrote:
>>> " . . . everything connects . . . "
>> Eventually, at any rate ...

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