The revolutionaries of May
Robin Landseadel
robinlandseadel at
Mon Jul 27 09:21:43 CDT 2009
On Jul 27, 2009, at 6:56 AM, Carvill, John wrote:
> It would be funny to think that TRP took this sort of thing seriously,
> and Nancy and Ron later consulted the Tarot, soothsayers, etc. to
> determine whether to get haircuts or when to bomb Libya...
From what I've seen, he takes it seriously enough. I mean—lookit
Weissman's Tarot, and Jeepers! ! ! th-th-there's A TREE O' CREATION!
Then again:
And here he is himself, the big ham, sitting on the toilet, a . . .
well what appears to be an unusually large infant's training
toilet, up between the sitter's legs rises the porcelain head of a
jackal with what, embarrassingly, proves to be a reefer, in its
rather loosely smiling mouth- "Through evil and eagles,"
blithers the Springer, "the climate blondes its way, for they are
no strength under the coarse war. No not for roguery until the
monitors are there in blashing sheets of earth to mate and say
medoshnicka bleelar medoometnozz in bergarnot and playful
fantasy under the throne and nose of the least merciful king .... "
well, there is a good deal of this sort of thing, and a good time to
nip out for popcorn, which in the Platz tum out to be morning-
glory seeds popped into little stilled brown explosions. None of
the regular company here actually watch the movie under the
rug much-only visitors passing through: friends of Magda,
defectors from the great aspirin factory in Leverkusen, over in
the comer there dribbling liberated cornstarch and water on
each other's naked bodies, giggling unhealthily ... devotees of
the I Ching who have a favorite hexagram tattooed on each toe,
who can never stay in one place for long, can you guess why?
Because they always have I Ching feet! also stumblebum
magicians who can't help leaving themselves wide open for
disastrous visits from Qlippoth, Ouija-board jokesters,
poltergeists, all kinds of astral-plane tankers and feebs-yeah
they're all showing up at Der Platz these days. But the
alternative is to start keeping some out and not others, and
nobody's ready for that .... Decisions like that are for some angel
stationed very high, watching us at our many perversities,
crawling across black satin, gagging on whip-handles, licking
the blood from a lover's vein-hit, all of it, every lost giggle or
sigh, being carried on under a sentence of death whose deep
beauty the angel has never been close to ....
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