Pynchon's back catalogue

rich richard.romeo at
Mon Jul 27 18:29:04 CDT 2009

On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 5:35 PM, Tore Rye Andersen<torerye at> wrote:
> If my idea of a "World Historical Project" is Eurocentric,
> it is because the world's history of the past couple-three hundred years has, sad
> to say, largely been dictated by old, corrupted Yurrup, and in the 20th century by
> America. Those historical cusps may have originated in Europe, but they have had
> major consequences for the rest of the world, as I'm sure you wouldn't deny.
> Those three novels primarily describe the march of Modernity and what it has
> been doing to the globe (and what it has forced out of existence). A-and where
> would you say Modernity originates? Look it up, it's in the history books.
where does the Japanese co-prosperity sphere fit in--unless you
consider Japan being a westernized country in the early 20th century
which I argue it wasn't. not disagreeing mind you, about the
infection's origins and the awful scale of waste and destruction and


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