Pynchon's back catalogue
Dave Monroe
against.the.dave at
Mon Jul 27 19:06:50 CDT 2009
On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 6:55 PM, Rob Jackson<jbor at> wrote:
> Essentially you're just classifying them into the longer texts and the
> shorter texts. Which is fine and dandy, but there are other ways of
> apprehending and appreciating the works.
.. but while we're still playing this game, might I suggest taking
into consideration that, whilst the clan Bodine may be the red thread
that winds its way throughout that Pynchonian ouevre, it's been
pointed out by at least one reviewre or another that VL and IV in
particular share characters, also with Lot 49 (recall the reappearance
of Mucho Maas in VL, and do note there's yet another used car salesman
to go along with yet another mysterious real estate magnate in the new
novel), but, I now suspect (anyone care to confirm? DO however issue
a spoiler alert, if so), perhaps also with AtD. Does the Traverse
family traverse all these novels? Is IV a 21st century Lot 49? I
guess we'll all find out soon enough, so, no not necessary to
confirm/deny, just remember that, if I;m right, you heard it here
first (and if not, you then forget that instead) ...
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