The real estate developer motif in TRP and a Vineland stream

Mark Kohut markekohut at
Wed Jul 29 10:01:34 CDT 2009

Preterites did NOT make a killing in California real estate in the 1980s.

Zoyd did not. 

That mysterious Japanese mafia connection, which we have recently discussed in the Vineland group reading, did.  

That's MAFIA.....Bad Shit, to quote a Pynchon work.

Part of the meaning of Vineland, maybe, is why I posted it and, I especially like that Scooby Doo insight and connection after we learn that the real estate motif appears again in the new novel and is there from Lot 49 (at least).

or How much Land Does a Mann Need? in Tolstoy's wonderful fable.


--- On Tue, 7/28/09, Campbel Morgan <campbelmorgan at> wrote:

> From: Campbel Morgan <campbelmorgan at>
> Subject: Re: The real estate developer motif in TRP and a Vineland stream
> To: pynchon-l at
> Date: Tuesday, July 28, 2009, 4:35 PM
> What group of investors did not make
> a killing investing in American
> RE and its Equity & Capital Markets in the 1980s? Think
> about it.
> There is only one answer. Those who were foolish enough to
> short the
> market, i.e., Bears. As luck would have it, if you invested
> in the
> American markets in the 80's, Ray-Gun Nomics made you Rich.
> Invest in
> the BRICS now! They will make you rich, I favor Brasil. Put
> your money
> in Brasil. You will make a fortune.
> That P is on to the RE stuff is hardly a shock. Hell, every
> Tom, Dick,
> and Harry, and let's not forget the Toms from NY who lived
> in
> California, knows what the deal is with RE. Pynchon grew up
> in the
> first Suburban Sprawl in America; the circuit board was
> built around,
> not Boeing, but Grumann. He lived and lives on an Island a
> stones toss
> from the World's Financial Center, where RE is expensive
> and scarce,
> kinda like in Japan. It's the talk of party folk and art
> exhibits and
> talk radio and the NY Times has a section on it. As the
> Stones say,
> it's a Platter.
> California is the best place to buy RE right now. It will
> come back.
> It's got the greatest potential of  any market in the
> US.
> On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 3:46 PM, Mark Kohut<markekohut at>
> wrote:
> >
> > I learned that the japanese mafia, the yakuza, who
> have that sly connection
> > to California in Vineland made a killing inyes, real
> estate in the 1980s.
> >
> >
> >
> >


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