Pynchon's "White Negro" view of Watts & Scooby-Doo too

rich richard.romeo at
Wed Jul 29 10:47:15 CDT 2009

I'd say cops hate paperwork, period.

On 7/29/09, David Morris <fqmorris at> wrote:
> Cops hate having their authority challenged, period.   Add to that an uppity
> black man with persecution identity (race, class, and victim-history) and
> Gates is lucky he didn't get shot.
> On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 9:32 AM, Henry Musikar <scuffling at> wrote:
>> If the reports of are accurate, then class privilege underlies the Gates'
>> arrest at least as much as the racism that may have caused Gates' neighbor
>> to call the police to begin with.  One would be hard-pressed to find a
>> more
>> shining example of academic/upper class than Gates; taunting a cop who has
>> come to your house because they were called by a neighbor wouldn't be
>> undertaken by anyone who wasn't drunk, stupid, or who considered
>> themselves
>> no more than the cop's equal.  Gates isn't a stupid or simple man.
>> Neither
>> is TRP.

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